SeriesLayoutProperties Class

SeriesLayoutProperties class

Represents the properties of series layout.

type SeriesLayoutProperties struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewSeriesLayoutPropertiesDefault constructor.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetShowConnectorLinesIndicates whether showing connector lines between data points.
SetShowConnectorLinesIndicates whether showing connector lines between data points.
GetShowMeanLineIndicates whether showing the line connecting all mean points.
SetShowMeanLineIndicates whether showing the line connecting all mean points.
GetShowOutlierPointsIndicates whether showing outlier data points.
SetShowOutlierPointsIndicates whether showing outlier data points.
GetShowMeanMarkerIndicates whether showing markers denoting the mean.
SetShowMeanMarkerIndicates whether showing markers denoting the mean.
GetShowInnerPointsIndicates whether showing non-outlier data points.
SetShowInnerPointsIndicates whether showing non-outlier data points.
GetSubtotalsRepresents the index of a subtotal data point.
SetSubtotalsRepresents the index of a subtotal data point.
GetQuartileCalculationRepresents the statistical properties for the series.
SetQuartileCalculationRepresents the statistical properties for the series.
GetMapLabelLayoutGets and sets the layout of map labels.
SetMapLabelLayoutGets and sets the layout of map labels.
IsIntervalLeftClosedIndicates whether the interval is closed on the left side.
SetIsIntervalLeftClosedIndicates whether the interval is closed on the left side.
GetMapChartRegionTypeGets and sets the region type of the map.
SetMapChartRegionTypeGets and sets the region type of the map.
GetMapChartProjectionTypeGets and sets the projection type of the map.
SetMapChartProjectionTypeGets and sets the projection type of the map.