ShapeCollection Class

ShapeCollection class

Represents all the shape in a worksheet/chart.

type ShapeCollection struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
Get_IntGets the Shape object at the specific index in the list.
Get_StringGets the Shape object by the name of the shape.
AddCopyAdds and copy a shape to the worksheet.
AddCheckBoxAdds a checkbox to the worksheet.
AddTextBoxAdds a text box to the worksheet.
AddEquationAdd an equation object to the worksheet.
AddSpinnerAdds a Spinner to the worksheet.
AddScrollBarAdds a ScrollBar to the worksheet.
AddRadioButtonAdds a RadioButton to the worksheet.
AddListBoxAdds a ListBox to the worksheet.
AddComboBoxAdds a ComboBox to the worksheet.
AddGroupBoxAdds a GroupBox to the worksheet.
AddButtonAdds a Button to the worksheet.
AddLabelAdds a Label to the worksheet.
AddLabelInChartAdds a label to the chart.
AddTextBoxInChartAdds a textbox to the chart.
AddTextEffectInChartInserts a WordArt object to the chart
AddTextEffectInserts a WordArt object.
AddWordArtAdds preset WordArt since Excel 2007.s
AddRectangleAdds a RectangleShape to the worksheet.
AddOvalAdds a Oval to the worksheet.
AddLineAdds a LineShape to the worksheet.
AddFreeFloatingShapeAdds a free floating shape to the worksheet.Only applies for line/image shape.
AddShapeInChart_MsoDrawingType_PlacementType_Int_Int_Int_Int_StreamAdd a shape to chart .All unit is 1/4000 of chart area.
AddShapeInChart_MsoDrawingType_PlacementType_Int_Int_Int_IntAdd a shape to chart .All unit is 1/4000 of chart area.
AddShapeInChartByScale_MsoDrawingType_PlacementType_Double_Double_Double_DoubleAdd a shape to chart. All unit is percent scale of chart area.
AddShapeInChartByScale_MsoDrawingType_PlacementType_Double_Double_Double_Double_StreamAdd a shape to chart .All unit is 1/4000 of chart area.
AddArcAdds a ArcShape to the worksheet.
AddShapeAdds a Shape to the worksheet.
AddAutoShapeAdds a AutoShape to the worksheet.
AddAutoShapeInChartAdds a AutoShape to the chart.
AddActiveXControlCreates an Activex Control.
AddPicture_Int_Int_Int_Int_StreamAdds a picture to the collection.
AddPicture_Int_Int_Stream_Int_IntAdds a picture to the collection.
AddSvgAdds svg image.
AddIconsAdds svg image.
AddLinkedPictureAdd a linked picture.
AddOleObjectWithLinkedImageAdd a linked picture.
AddPictureInChartAdds a picture to the chart.
AddOleObjectAdds an OleObject.
CopyCommentsInRangeCopy all comments in the range.
CopyInRangeCopy shapes in the range to destination range.
DeleteInRangeDelete shapes in the range.Comment shapes will not be deleted.
DeleteShapeDelete a shape. If the shape is in the group or is a comment shape, it will not be deleted.
UngroupUngroups the shape items.
RemoveAtRemove the shape.
RemoveRemove the shape.
ClearClear all shapes in the worksheet.
UpdateSelectedValueUpdate the selected value by the value of the linked cell or range of the shape.
AddSignatureLineAdds a Signature Line to the worksheet.