SparklineGroup Class

SparklineGroup class

is organized into sparkline group. A SparklineGroup contains a variable number of sparkline items.A sparkline group specifies the type, display settings and axis settings for the sparklines.

type SparklineGroup struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
ResetRangesResets the data range and location range of the sparkline group.This method will clear original sparkline items in the group and creates new sparkline items for the new ranges.
GetPresetStyleGets and sets the preset style type of the sparkline group.
SetPresetStyleGets and sets the preset style type of the sparkline group.
GetSparklinesGets the collection of Sparkline object.
GetTypeIndicates the sparkline type of the sparkline group.
SetTypeIndicates the sparkline type of the sparkline group.
GetPlotEmptyCellsTypeIndicates how to plot empty cells.
SetPlotEmptyCellsTypeIndicates how to plot empty cells.
GetDisplayHiddenIndicates whether to show data in hidden rows and columns.
SetDisplayHiddenIndicates whether to show data in hidden rows and columns.
GetShowHighPointIndicates whether to highlight the highest points of data in the sparkline group.
SetShowHighPointIndicates whether to highlight the highest points of data in the sparkline group.
GetHighPointColorGets and sets the color of the highest points of data in the sparkline group.
SetHighPointColorGets and sets the color of the highest points of data in the sparkline group.
GetShowLowPointIndicates whether to highlight the lowest points of data in the sparkline group.
SetShowLowPointIndicates whether to highlight the lowest points of data in the sparkline group.
GetLowPointColorGets and sets the color of the lowest points of data in the sparkline group.
SetLowPointColorGets and sets the color of the lowest points of data in the sparkline group.
GetShowNegativePointsIndicates whether to highlight the negative values on the sparkline group with a different color or marker.
SetShowNegativePointsIndicates whether to highlight the negative values on the sparkline group with a different color or marker.
GetNegativePointsColorGets and sets the color of the negative values on the sparkline group.
SetNegativePointsColorGets and sets the color of the negative values on the sparkline group.
GetShowFirstPointIndicates whether to highlight the first point of data in the sparkline group.
SetShowFirstPointIndicates whether to highlight the first point of data in the sparkline group.
GetFirstPointColorGets and sets the color of the first point of data in the sparkline group.
SetFirstPointColorGets and sets the color of the first point of data in the sparkline group.
GetShowLastPointIndicates whether to highlight the last point of data in the sparkline group.
SetShowLastPointIndicates whether to highlight the last point of data in the sparkline group.
GetLastPointColorGets and sets the color of the last point of data in the sparkline group.
SetLastPointColorGets and sets the color of the last point of data in the sparkline group.
GetShowMarkersIndicates whether to highlight each point in each line sparkline in the sparkline group.
SetShowMarkersIndicates whether to highlight each point in each line sparkline in the sparkline group.
GetMarkersColorGets and sets the color of points in each line sparkline in the sparkline group.
SetMarkersColorGets and sets the color of points in each line sparkline in the sparkline group.
GetSeriesColorGets and sets the color of the sparklines in the sparkline group.
SetSeriesColorGets and sets the color of the sparklines in the sparkline group.
GetPlotRightToLeftIndicates whether the plot data is right to left.
SetPlotRightToLeftIndicates whether the plot data is right to left.
GetLineWeightGets and sets the line weight in each line sparkline in the sparkline group, in the unit of points.
SetLineWeightGets and sets the line weight in each line sparkline in the sparkline group, in the unit of points.
GetHorizontalAxisColorGets and sets the color of the horizontal axis in the sparkline group.
SetHorizontalAxisColorGets and sets the color of the horizontal axis in the sparkline group.
GetShowHorizontalAxisIndicates whether to show the sparkline horizontal axis.The horizontal axis appears if the sparkline has data that crosses the zero axis.
SetShowHorizontalAxisIndicates whether to show the sparkline horizontal axis.The horizontal axis appears if the sparkline has data that crosses the zero axis.
GetHorizontalAxisDateRangeRepresents the range that contains the date values for the sparkline data.
SetHorizontalAxisDateRangeRepresents the range that contains the date values for the sparkline data.
GetVerticalAxisMaxValueTypeRepresents the vertical axis maximum value type.
SetVerticalAxisMaxValueTypeRepresents the vertical axis maximum value type.
GetVerticalAxisMaxValueGets and sets the custom maximum value for the vertical axis.
SetVerticalAxisMaxValueGets and sets the custom maximum value for the vertical axis.
GetVerticalAxisMinValueTypeRepresents the vertical axis minimum value type.
SetVerticalAxisMinValueTypeRepresents the vertical axis minimum value type.
GetVerticalAxisMinValueGets and sets the custom minimum value for the vertical axis.
SetVerticalAxisMinValueGets and sets the custom minimum value for the vertical axis.