IsNull | Checks whether the implementation object is nullptr. |
ResetRanges | Resets the data range and location range of the sparkline group.This method will clear original sparkline items in the group and creates new sparkline items for the new ranges. |
GetPresetStyle | Gets and sets the preset style type of the sparkline group. |
SetPresetStyle | Gets and sets the preset style type of the sparkline group. |
GetSparklines | Gets the collection of Sparkline object. |
GetType | Indicates the sparkline type of the sparkline group. |
SetType | Indicates the sparkline type of the sparkline group. |
GetPlotEmptyCellsType | Indicates how to plot empty cells. |
SetPlotEmptyCellsType | Indicates how to plot empty cells. |
GetDisplayHidden | Indicates whether to show data in hidden rows and columns. |
SetDisplayHidden | Indicates whether to show data in hidden rows and columns. |
GetShowHighPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the highest points of data in the sparkline group. |
SetShowHighPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the highest points of data in the sparkline group. |
GetHighPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the highest points of data in the sparkline group. |
SetHighPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the highest points of data in the sparkline group. |
GetShowLowPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the lowest points of data in the sparkline group. |
SetShowLowPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the lowest points of data in the sparkline group. |
GetLowPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the lowest points of data in the sparkline group. |
SetLowPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the lowest points of data in the sparkline group. |
GetShowNegativePoints | Indicates whether to highlight the negative values on the sparkline group with a different color or marker. |
SetShowNegativePoints | Indicates whether to highlight the negative values on the sparkline group with a different color or marker. |
GetNegativePointsColor | Gets and sets the color of the negative values on the sparkline group. |
SetNegativePointsColor | Gets and sets the color of the negative values on the sparkline group. |
GetShowFirstPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the first point of data in the sparkline group. |
SetShowFirstPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the first point of data in the sparkline group. |
GetFirstPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the first point of data in the sparkline group. |
SetFirstPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the first point of data in the sparkline group. |
GetShowLastPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the last point of data in the sparkline group. |
SetShowLastPoint | Indicates whether to highlight the last point of data in the sparkline group. |
GetLastPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the last point of data in the sparkline group. |
SetLastPointColor | Gets and sets the color of the last point of data in the sparkline group. |
GetShowMarkers | Indicates whether to highlight each point in each line sparkline in the sparkline group. |
SetShowMarkers | Indicates whether to highlight each point in each line sparkline in the sparkline group. |
GetMarkersColor | Gets and sets the color of points in each line sparkline in the sparkline group. |
SetMarkersColor | Gets and sets the color of points in each line sparkline in the sparkline group. |
GetSeriesColor | Gets and sets the color of the sparklines in the sparkline group. |
SetSeriesColor | Gets and sets the color of the sparklines in the sparkline group. |
GetPlotRightToLeft | Indicates whether the plot data is right to left. |
SetPlotRightToLeft | Indicates whether the plot data is right to left. |
GetLineWeight | Gets and sets the line weight in each line sparkline in the sparkline group, in the unit of points. |
SetLineWeight | Gets and sets the line weight in each line sparkline in the sparkline group, in the unit of points. |
GetHorizontalAxisColor | Gets and sets the color of the horizontal axis in the sparkline group. |
SetHorizontalAxisColor | Gets and sets the color of the horizontal axis in the sparkline group. |
GetShowHorizontalAxis | Indicates whether to show the sparkline horizontal axis.The horizontal axis appears if the sparkline has data that crosses the zero axis. |
SetShowHorizontalAxis | Indicates whether to show the sparkline horizontal axis.The horizontal axis appears if the sparkline has data that crosses the zero axis. |
GetHorizontalAxisDateRange | Represents the range that contains the date values for the sparkline data. |
SetHorizontalAxisDateRange | Represents the range that contains the date values for the sparkline data. |
GetVerticalAxisMaxValueType | Represents the vertical axis maximum value type. |
SetVerticalAxisMaxValueType | Represents the vertical axis maximum value type. |
GetVerticalAxisMaxValue | Gets and sets the custom maximum value for the vertical axis. |
SetVerticalAxisMaxValue | Gets and sets the custom maximum value for the vertical axis. |
GetVerticalAxisMinValueType | Represents the vertical axis minimum value type. |
SetVerticalAxisMinValueType | Represents the vertical axis minimum value type. |
GetVerticalAxisMinValue | Gets and sets the custom minimum value for the vertical axis. |
SetVerticalAxisMinValue | Gets and sets the custom minimum value for the vertical axis. |