SqlDataType Enum

SqlDataType Enum

Specifies SQL data type of the parameter. Only valid for ODBC sources.

type SqlDataType int32


SqlUnsignedOffsetsql unsigned offset
SqlSignedOffsetsql signed offset
SqlGUIDsql guid
SqlWLongVarcharsql wide long variable char
SqlWVarcharsql wide variable char
SqlWCharsql wide char
SqlBitsql bit
SqlTinyIntsql tiny int
SqlBigIntsql big int
SqlLongVarBinarysql long variable binary
SqlVarBinarysql variable binary
SqlBinarysql binary
SqlLongVarCharsql long variable char
SqlUnknownTypesql unknown type
SqlCharsql char
SqlNumericsql numeric
SqlDecimalsql decimal
SqlIntegersql integer
SqlSmallIntsql small int
SqlFloatsql float
SqlRealsql real
SqlDoublesql double
SqlTypeDatesql date type
SqlTypeTimesql time type
SqlTypeTimestampsql timestamp type
SqlVarCharsql variable char
SqlIntervalYearsql interval year
SqlIntervalMonthsql interval month
SqlIntervalDaysql interval day
SqlIntervalHoursql interval hour
SqlIntervalMinutesql interval minute
SqlIntervalSecondsql interval second
SqlIntervalYearToMonthsql interval year to month
SqlIntervalDayToHoursql interval day to hour
SqlIntervalDayToMinutesql interval day to minute
SqlIntervalDayToSecondsql interval day to second
SqlIntervalHourToMinutesql interval hour to minute
SqlIntervalHourToSecondsql interval hour to second
SqlIntervalMinuteToSecondsql interval minute to second