SqlScriptSaveOptions Class

SqlScriptSaveOptions class

Represents the options of saving sql.

type SqlScriptSaveOptions struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewSqlScriptSaveOptionsCreates options for saving sql file.
NewSqlScriptSaveOptions_SaveOptionsConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetCheckIfTableExistsCheck if the table name exists before creating
SetCheckIfTableExistsCheck if the table name exists before creating
GetColumnTypeMapGets and sets the map of column type for different database.
SetColumnTypeMapGets and sets the map of column type for different database.
GetCheckAllDataForColumnTypeCheck all data to find columns’ data type.
SetCheckAllDataForColumnTypeCheck all data to find columns’ data type.
GetAddBlankLineBetweenRowsInsert blank line between each data.
SetAddBlankLineBetweenRowsInsert blank line between each data.
GetSeparatorGets and sets character separator of sql script.
SetSeparatorGets and sets character separator of sql script.
GetOperatorTypeGets and sets the operator type of sql.
SetOperatorTypeGets and sets the operator type of sql.
GetPrimaryKeyRepresents which column is primary key of the data table.
SetPrimaryKeyRepresents which column is primary key of the data table.
GetCreateTableIndicates whether exporting sql of creating table.
SetCreateTableIndicates whether exporting sql of creating table.
GetIdNameGets and sets the name of id column.
SetIdNameGets and sets the name of id column.
GetStartIdGets and sets the start id.
SetStartIdGets and sets the start id.
GetTableNameGets and sets the table name.
SetTableNameGets and sets the table name.
GetExportAsStringIndicates whether exporting all data as string value.
SetExportAsStringIndicates whether exporting all data as string value.
GetSheetIndexesRepresents the indexes of exported sheets.
SetSheetIndexesRepresents the indexes of exported sheets.
GetExportAreaGets or sets the exporting range.
SetExportAreaGets or sets the exporting range.
GetHasHeaderRowIndicates whether the range contains header row.
SetHasHeaderRowIndicates whether the range contains header row.
GetSaveFormatGets the save file format.
GetClearDataMake the workbook empty after saving the file.
SetClearDataMake the workbook empty after saving the file.
GetCachedFileFolderThe cached file folder is used to store some large data.
SetCachedFileFolderThe cached file folder is used to store some large data.
GetValidateMergedAreasIndicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file.
SetValidateMergedAreasIndicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file.
GetMergeAreasIndicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file.
SetMergeAreasIndicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file.
GetCreateDirectoryIf true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file.
SetCreateDirectoryIf true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file.
GetSortNamesIndicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
SetSortNamesIndicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
GetSortExternalNamesIndicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
SetSortExternalNamesIndicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
GetRefreshChartCacheIndicates whether refreshing chart cache data
SetRefreshChartCacheIndicates whether refreshing chart cache data
GetCheckExcelRestrictionWhether check restriction of excel file when user modify cells related objects.For example, excel does not allow inputting string value longer than 32K.When you input a value longer than 32K, it will be truncated.
SetCheckExcelRestrictionWhether check restriction of excel file when user modify cells related objects.For example, excel does not allow inputting string value longer than 32K.When you input a value longer than 32K, it will be truncated.
GetUpdateSmartArtIndicates whether updating smart art setting.The default value is false.
SetUpdateSmartArtIndicates whether updating smart art setting.The default value is false.
GetEncryptDocumentPropertiesIndicates whether encrypt document properties when saving as .xls file.The default value is true.
SetEncryptDocumentPropertiesIndicates whether encrypt document properties when saving as .xls file.The default value is true.