TextOptions Class

TextOptions class

Represents the text options.

type TextOptions struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewTextOptionsConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetNameGets and sets the name of the shape.
SetNameGets and sets the name of the shape.
GetLanguageCodeGets and sets the user interface language.
SetLanguageCodeGets and sets the user interface language.
GetLatinNameGets and sets the latin name.
SetLatinNameGets and sets the latin name.
GetFarEastNameGets and sets the FarEast name.
SetFarEastNameGets and sets the FarEast name.
GetFillRepresents the fill format of the text.
GetOutlineRepresents the outline format of the text.
GetShadowRepresents a ShadowEffect object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.
GetUnderlineColorGets or sets the color of underline.
SetUnderlineColorGets or sets the color of underline.
GetKerningSpecifies the minimum font size at which character kerning will occur for this text run.
SetKerningSpecifies the minimum font size at which character kerning will occur for this text run.
GetSpacingSpecifies the spacing between characters within a text run.
SetSpacingSpecifies the spacing between characters within a text run.