TextParagraph Class

TextParagraph class

Represents the text paragraph setting.

type TextParagraph struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewTextParagraphConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetBulletGets the bullet.
GetTypeGets the type of text node.
GetLineSpaceSizeTypeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be used within a paragraph.
SetLineSpaceSizeTypeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be used within a paragraph.
GetLineSpaceGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be used within a paragraph.
SetLineSpaceGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be used within a paragraph.
GetSpaceAfterSizeTypeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present after a paragraph.
SetSpaceAfterSizeTypeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present after a paragraph.
GetSpaceAfterGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present after a paragraph.
SetSpaceAfterGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present after a paragraph.
GetSpaceBeforeSizeTypeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present before a paragraph.
SetSpaceBeforeSizeTypeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present before a paragraph.
GetSpaceBeforeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present before a paragraph.
SetSpaceBeforeGets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present before a paragraph.
GetStopsGets tab stop list.
IsLatinLineBreakSpecifies whether a Latin word can be broken in half and wrapped onto the next line without a hyphen being added.
SetIsLatinLineBreakSpecifies whether a Latin word can be broken in half and wrapped onto the next line without a hyphen being added.
IsEastAsianLineBreakSpecifies whether an East Asian word can be broken in half and wrapped onto the next line without a hyphen being added.
SetIsEastAsianLineBreakSpecifies whether an East Asian word can be broken in half and wrapped onto the next line without a hyphen being added.
IsHangingPunctuationSpecifies whether punctuation is to be forcefully laid out on a line of text or put on a different line of text.
SetIsHangingPunctuationSpecifies whether punctuation is to be forcefully laid out on a line of text or put on a different line of text.
GetRightMarginSpecifies the right margin of the paragraph.
SetRightMarginSpecifies the right margin of the paragraph.
GetLeftMarginSpecifies the left margin of the paragraph.
SetLeftMarginSpecifies the left margin of the paragraph.
GetFirstLineIndentSpecifies the indent size that will be applied to the first line of text in the paragraph.
SetFirstLineIndentSpecifies the indent size that will be applied to the first line of text in the paragraph.
GetFontAlignTypeDetermines where vertically on a line of text the actual words are positioned. This dealswith vertical placement of the characters with respect to the baselines.
SetFontAlignTypeDetermines where vertically on a line of text the actual words are positioned. This dealswith vertical placement of the characters with respect to the baselines.
GetAlignmentTypeGets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the paragraph.
SetAlignmentTypeGets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the paragraph.
GetDefaultTabSizeGets and sets the default size for a tab character within this paragraph.
SetDefaultTabSizeGets and sets the default size for a tab character within this paragraph.
GetChildrenGets all text runs in this paragraph.If this paragraph is empty, return paragraph itself.
GetStartIndexGets the start index of the characters.
GetLengthGets the length of the characters.
GetFontReturns the font of this object.
SetWordArtStyleSets the preset WordArt style.
GetTextOptionsReturns the text options.