TimelineCollection Class

TimelineCollection class

Specifies the collection of all the Timeline objects on the specified worksheet.Due to MS Excel, Excel 2003 does not support Timeline.

type TimelineCollection struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
Get_IntGets the Timeline by index.
Get_StringGets the Timeline by Timeline’s name.
Add_PivotTable_Int_Int_StringAdd a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
Add_PivotTable_String_StringAdd a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
Add_PivotTable_Int_Int_IntAdd a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
Add_PivotTable_String_IntAdd a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
Add_PivotTable_Int_Int_PivotFieldAdd a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source
Add_PivotTable_String_PivotFieldAdd a new Timeline using PivotTable as data source