TxtLoadOptions Class

TxtLoadOptions class

Represents the options for loading text file.

type TxtLoadOptions struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewTxtLoadOptionsCreates the options for loading text file.
NewTxtLoadOptions_LoadFormatCreates the options for loading text file.
NewTxtLoadOptions_AbstractTextLoadOptionsConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetSeparatorGets and sets character separator of text file.
SetSeparatorGets and sets character separator of text file.
GetSeparatorStringGets and sets a string value as separator.
SetSeparatorStringGets and sets a string value as separator.
IsMultiEncodedTrue means that the file contains several encoding.
SetIsMultiEncodedTrue means that the file contains several encoding.
GetHasFormulaIndicates whether the text is formula if it starts with “=”.
SetHasFormulaIndicates whether the text is formula if it starts with “=”.
GetHasTextQualifierWhether there is text qualifier for cell value. Default is true.
SetHasTextQualifierWhether there is text qualifier for cell value. Default is true.
GetTextQualifierSpecifies the text qualifier for cell values. Default qualifier is ‘"’.
SetTextQualifierSpecifies the text qualifier for cell values. Default qualifier is ‘"’.
GetTreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOneWhether consecutive delimiters should be treated as one.
SetTreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOneWhether consecutive delimiters should be treated as one.
GetTreatQuotePrefixAsValueIndicates whether the leading single quote sign should be taken as part of the value of one cell.Default is true. If it is false, the leading single quote will be removed from corresponding cell’s valueand Style.QuotePrefix will be set as true for the cell.
SetTreatQuotePrefixAsValueIndicates whether the leading single quote sign should be taken as part of the value of one cell.Default is true. If it is false, the leading single quote will be removed from corresponding cell’s valueand Style.QuotePrefix will be set as true for the cell.
GetExtendToNextSheetWhether extends data to next sheet when the rows or columns of data exceed limit.Default is false.
SetExtendToNextSheetWhether extends data to next sheet when the rows or columns of data exceed limit.Default is false.
GetHeaderRowsCountThe count of header rows to be repeated for extended sheets.
SetHeaderRowsCountThe count of header rows to be repeated for extended sheets.
GetHeaderColumnsCountThe count of header columns to be repeated for extended sheets.
SetHeaderColumnsCountThe count of header columns to be repeated for extended sheets.
GetMaxRowCountThe maximum count of rows to be imported for one sheet.
SetMaxRowCountThe maximum count of rows to be imported for one sheet.
GetMaxColumnCountThe maximum count of columns to be imported for one sheet.
SetMaxColumnCountThe maximum count of columns to be imported for one sheet.
GetEncodingGets and sets the default encoding. Only applies for csv file.
SetEncodingGets and sets the default encoding. Only applies for csv file.
GetLoadStyleStrategyIndicates the strategy to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime.
SetLoadStyleStrategyIndicates the strategy to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime.
GetConvertNumericDataGets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data.
SetConvertNumericDataGets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data.
GetConvertDateTimeDataGets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to date data.
SetConvertDateTimeDataGets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to date data.
GetKeepPrecisionIndicates whether not parsing a string value if the length is 15.
SetKeepPrecisionIndicates whether not parsing a string value if the length is 15.