UnionRange Class

UnionRange class

Represents union range.

type UnionRange struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetFirstRowGets the index of the first row of the range.
GetFirstColumnGets the index of the first column of the range.
GetRowCountGets the count of rows in the range.
GetColumnCountGets the count of rows in the range.
MergeCombines a range of cells into a single cell.
UnMergeUnmerges merged cells of this range.
PutValuePuts a value into the range, if appropriate the value will be converted to other data type and cell’s number format will be reset.
GetValueGets and sets the values of the range.
SetValueGets and sets the values of the range.
GetNameGets or sets the name of the range.
SetNameGets or sets the name of the range.
GetRefersToGets the range’s refers to.
GetHasRangeIndicates whether this has range.
GetHyperlinksGets all hyperlink in the range.
SetStyleSets the style of the range.
ApplyStyleApplies formats for a whole range.
CopyCopying the range with paste special options.
GetCellCountGets all cell count in the range.
GetRangeCountGets the count of the ranges.
GetRangesGets all union ranges.
SetOutlineBorders_CellBorderType_ColorSets the outline borders around a range of cells with same border style and color.
Intersect_StringIntersects another range.
Intersect_UnionRangeIntersects another range.
Union_StringUnion another range.
Union_UnionRangeUnion another range.