Worksheet Class
]Worksheet class
Encapsulates the object that represents a single worksheet.
type Worksheet struct {
ptr unsafe.Pointer
Method | Description |
Method | Description |
IsNull | Checks whether the implementation object is nullptr. |
Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, orresetting unmanaged resources. |
GetProtection | Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet. Supports advanced protection options in ExcelXP and above version. |
GetUniqueId | Gets and sets the unique id, it is same as {15DB5C3C-A5A1-48AF-8F25-3D86AC232D4F}. |
SetUniqueId | Gets and sets the unique id, it is same as {15DB5C3C-A5A1-48AF-8F25-3D86AC232D4F}. |
GetPanes | Gets the window panes. |
GetWorkbook | Gets the workbook object which contains this sheet. |
GetCells | Gets the Cells collection. |
GetQueryTables | Gets QueryTableCollection in the worksheet. |
GetPivotTables | Gets all pivot tables in this worksheet. |
GetType | Represents worksheet type. |
SetType | Represents worksheet type. |
GetName | Gets or sets the name of the worksheet. |
SetName | Gets or sets the name of the worksheet. |
GetShowFormulas | Indicates whether to show formulas or their results. |
SetShowFormulas | Indicates whether to show formulas or their results. |
IsGridlinesVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridlines are visible.Default is true. |
SetIsGridlinesVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridlines are visible.Default is true. |
IsRowColumnHeadersVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will display row and column headers.Default is true. |
SetIsRowColumnHeadersVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will display row and column headers.Default is true. |
GetPaneState | Indicates whether the pane has horizontal or vertical splits, and whether those splits are frozen. |
GetDisplayZeros | True if zero values are displayed. |
SetDisplayZeros | True if zero values are displayed. |
GetDisplayRightToLeft | Indicates if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.Default is false. |
SetDisplayRightToLeft | Indicates if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.Default is false. |
IsOutlineShown | Indicates whether to show outline. |
SetIsOutlineShown | Indicates whether to show outline. |
IsSelected | Indicates whether this worksheet is selected when the workbook is opened. |
SetIsSelected | Indicates whether this worksheet is selected when the workbook is opened. |
FreezePanes_Int_Int_Int_Int | Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet. |
GetFreezedPanes | Gets the freeze panes. |
Split | Splits window. |
FreezePanes_String_Int_Int | Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet. |
UnFreezePanes | Unfreezes panes in the worksheet. |
RemoveSplit | Removes split window. |
GetListObjects | Gets all ListObjects in this worksheet. |
GetTabId | Specifies the internal identifier for the sheet. |
SetTabId | Specifies the internal identifier for the sheet. |
GetHorizontalPageBreaks | Gets the HorizontalPageBreakCollection collection. |
GetVerticalPageBreaks | Gets the VerticalPageBreakCollection collection. |
AddPageBreaks | Adds page break. |
GetHyperlinks | Gets the HyperlinkCollection collection. |
Copy_Worksheet | Copies contents and formats from another worksheet. |
Copy_Worksheet_CopyOptions | Copies contents and formats from another worksheet. |
AutoFitColumn_Int_Int_Int | Autofits the column width. |
AutoFitColumns | Autofits all columns in this worksheet. |
AutoFitColumns_AutoFitterOptions | Autofits all columns in this worksheet. |
AutoFitColumn_Int | Autofits the column width. |
AutoFitColumns_Int_Int | Autofits the columns width. |
AutoFitColumns_Int_Int_AutoFitterOptions | Autofits the columns width. |
AutoFitColumns_Int_Int_Int_Int | Autofits the columns width. |
AutoFitColumns_Int_Int_Int_Int_AutoFitterOptions | Autofits the columns width. |
AutoFitRow_Int_Int_Int | Autofits the row height. |
AutoFitRow_Int_Int_Int_AutoFitterOptions | Autofits the row height. |
AutoFitRows | Autofits all rows in this worksheet. |
AutoFitRows_Bool | Autofits all rows in this worksheet. |
AutoFitRows_AutoFitterOptions | Autofits all rows in this worksheet. |
AutoFitRows_Int_Int | Autofits row height in a range. |
AutoFitRows_Int_Int_AutoFitterOptions | Autofits row height in a range. |
AutoFitRow_Int_Int_Int_Int | Autofits row height in a rectangle range. |
AutoFitRow_Int | Autofits the row height. |
GetPageSetup | Represents the page setup description in this sheet. |
GetAutoFilter | Represents auto filter for the specified worksheet. |
GetAdvancedFilter | Gets the settings of advanced filter. |
Advanced_Filter | Filters data using complex criteria. |
RemoveAutoFilter | Removes the auto filter of the worksheet. |
GetHasAutofilter | Indicates whether this worksheet has auto filter. |
GetTransitionEvaluation | Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled. |
SetTransitionEvaluation | Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled. |
GetTransitionEntry | Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled. |
SetTransitionEntry | Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled. |
GetVisibilityType | Indicates the visible state for this sheet. |
SetVisibilityType | Indicates the visible state for this sheet. |
SetVisible | Sets the visible options. |
IsVisible | Represents if the worksheet is visible. |
SetIsVisible | Represents if the worksheet is visible. |
SelectRange | Selects a range. |
RemoveAllDrawingObjects | Removes all drawing objects in this worksheet. |
ClearComments | Clears all comments in designer spreadsheet. |
GetSparklineGroups | Gets the sparkline groups in the worksheet. |
GetCharts | Gets a Chart collection |
GetComments | Gets the Comment collection. |
GetPictures | Gets a Picture collection. |
GetTextBoxes | Gets a TextBox collection. |
GetCheckBoxes | Gets a CheckBox collection. |
GetOleObjects | Represents a collection of OleObject in a worksheet. |
GetShapes | Returns all drawing shapes in this worksheet. |
GetSlicers | Get the Slicer collection in the worksheet |
GetTimelines | Get the Timeline collection in the worksheet |
Protect_ProtectionType | Protects worksheet. |
Protect_ProtectionType_String_String | Protects worksheet. |
Unprotect | Unprotects worksheet. |
Unprotect_String | Unprotects worksheet. |
GetIndex | Gets the index of sheet in the worksheet collection. |
MoveTo | Moves the sheet to another location in the spreadsheet. |
IsProtected | Indicates if the worksheet is protected. |
GetValidations | Gets the data validation setting collection in the worksheet. |
GetAllowEditRanges | Gets the allow edit range collection in the worksheet. |
GetErrorCheckOptions | Gets error check setting applied on certain ranges. |
GetOutline | Gets the outline on this worksheet. |
GetFirstVisibleRow | Represents first visible row index. |
SetFirstVisibleRow | Represents first visible row index. |
GetFirstVisibleColumn | Represents first visible column index. |
SetFirstVisibleColumn | Represents first visible column index. |
Replace | Replaces all cells’ text with a new string. |
GetZoom | Represents the scaling factor in percentage. It should be between 10 and 400. |
SetZoom | Represents the scaling factor in percentage. It should be between 10 and 400. |
GetViewType | Gets and sets the view type. |
SetViewType | Gets and sets the view type. |
IsPageBreakPreview | Indicates whether the specified worksheet is shown in normal view or page break preview. |
SetIsPageBreakPreview | Indicates whether the specified worksheet is shown in normal view or page break preview. |
IsRulerVisible | Indicates whether the ruler is visible. This property is only applied for page break preview. |
SetIsRulerVisible | Indicates whether the ruler is visible. This property is only applied for page break preview. |
GetTabColor | Represents worksheet tab color. |
SetTabColor | Represents worksheet tab color. |
GetCodeName | Gets worksheet code name. |
SetCodeName | Gets worksheet code name. |
GetBackgroundImage | Gets and sets worksheet background image. |
SetBackgroundImage | Gets and sets worksheet background image. |
GetConditionalFormattings | Gets the ConditionalFormattings in the worksheet. |
GetActiveCell | Gets or sets the active cell in the worksheet. |
SetActiveCell | Gets or sets the active cell in the worksheet. |
GetCustomProperties | Gets an object representingthe identifier information associated with a worksheet. |
GetPrintingPageBreaks | Gets automatic page breaks. |
GetSmartTagSetting | Gets all SmartTagCollection objects of the worksheet. |
ToString | Returns a string represents the current Worksheet object. |
GetScenarios | Gets the collection of Scenario. |
StartAccessCache | Starts the session that uses caches to access the data in this worksheet. |
CloseAccessCache | Closes the session that uses caches to access the data in this worksheet. |
ConvertFormulaReferenceStyle | Converts the formula reference style. |
CalculateFormula_String | Calculates a formula. |
CalculateFormula_String_CalculationOptions | Calculates a formula expression directly. |
CalculateFormula_String_FormulaParseOptions_CalculationOptions_Int_Int_CalculationData | Calculates a formula expression directly. |
CalculateArrayFormula_String_CalculationOptions | Calculates a formula as array formula. |
CalculateArrayFormula_String_CalculationOptions_Int_Int | Calculates a formula as array formula. |
CalculateArrayFormula_String_FormulaParseOptions_CalculationOptions_Int_Int_Int_Int_CalculationData | Calculates a formula as array formula. |
CalculateFormula_CalculationOptions_Bool | Calculates all formulas in this worksheet. |
GetCellWatches | Gets collection of cells on this worksheet being watched in the ‘watch window’. |
RefreshPivotTables | Refreshes all the PivotTables in this Worksheet. |
RefreshPivotTables_PivotTableRefreshOption | Refreshes all the PivotTables in this Worksheet. |