
CellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet method

Build Spreadsheet file with user request

public Task BuildSpreadsheet(string userRequest, string? inputFile, string outputFile)
userRequestStringthe request description to generate spreadsheet file
inputFileStringthe full path of the input file ,it is optional ,if want to modify the file based on this file,we can set it
outputFileStringthe full path of the output file


The following examples shos how to build a spreadsheet on demand

CellsAI cellsAI = new CellsAI(AIRootUrl, AIKey);
String userRequest = @"Provide weekly daily three-meal recipes, including nutritional value, preparation methods, ingredients, and cost ,one day per row,and add total cost at last row.";
String outfile = "D:\\foodsweekly.xlsx";
await cellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet(userRequest, null, outfile);

String userRequest = @"Based on the sales history data from row 3 to row 10, predict the sales situation for the next year.add it in row 11.";
String outfile = "D:\\Sales Report Forcast.xlsx";
String inputfile = "D:\\Sales Report Year.xlsx";
await cellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet(userRequest, inputfile, outfile);

String userRequest = "Change the background colors of the rows where the top three highest year sales are located to red, yellow, and green, respectively.";
String outfile = "D:\\Sales Report Top3.xlsx";
String inputfile = "D:\\Sales Report Year.xlsx";
await cellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet(userRequest, inputfile, outfile);

String userRequest = "Add a new column named \"Ranking\" and fill in the content of this column based on the students' total scores ranking.";
String outfile = "D:\\student_score_with_rank.xlsx";
String inputfile = "D:\\student_score.xlsx";
await cellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet(userRequest, inputfile, outfile);

Config.Locale = "zh";
String userRequest ="增加新的一列,列名称是\"排名\" 并根据学生的总分大小排名填入这一列的内容";
String outfile = "D:\\学生排行.xlsx";
String inputfile = "D:\\student_score_zh.xlsx";
await cellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet(userRequest, inputfile, outfile);

String userRequest = "总分成绩最好的学生所在的行背景色改为绿色,成绩最差的学生的背景色改为黄色,把分数不及格的单元格用红色标记出来";
String outfile = "D:\\学生排行信息.xlsx";
String inputfile = "D:\\student_score_zh.xlsx";
await cellsAI.BuildSpreadsheet(userRequest, inputfile, outfile);

See Also