Class DigitalSignature

DigitalSignature class

Signature in file.

public class DigitalSignature


DigitalSignature(X509Certificate2, string, DateTime)Constructor of digitalSignature. Uses .Net implementation.
DigitalSignature(byte[], string, string, DateTime)Constructor of digitalSignature. Uses Bouncy Castle implementation.


Certificate { get; set; }Certificate object that was used to sign the document.
Comments { get; set; }The purpose to signature.
Id { get; set; }Specifies a GUID which can be cross-referenced with the GUID of the signature line stored in the document content. Default value is Empty (all zeroes) Guid.
Image { get; set; }Specifies an image for the digital signature. Default value is null.
IsValid { get; }If this digital signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with, this value will be true.
ProviderId { get; set; }Specifies the class ID of the signature provider. Default value is Empty (all zeroes) Guid.
SignTime { get; set; }The time when the document was signed.
Text { get; set; }Specifies the text of actual signature in the digital signature. Default value is Empty.
XAdESType { get; set; }XAdES type. Default value is None(XAdES is off).



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures;
    using System;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

    public class DigitalSignatureDemo
        public static void DigitalSignatureExample()
            //// Create a new workbook
            //Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            //Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            //worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("Hello World");

            //// Load a certificate from file
            //X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2("DigitalSignature_original.pfx", "password");

            //// Create a digital signature
            //DigitalSignature digitalSignature = new DigitalSignature(certificate, "Sample Signature", DateTime.Now)
            //    Comments = "This is a sample digital signature.",
            //    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
            //    Text = "John Doe",
            //    ProviderId = Guid.NewGuid(),
            //    XAdESType = XAdESType.XAdES

            //// Add the digital signature to the workbook
            //workbook.AddDigitalSignature(new DigitalSignatureCollection() { digitalSignature } );

            //// Save the workbook

            //// Load the workbook to verify the signature
            //Workbook signedWorkbook = new Workbook("DigitalSignatureExample.xlsx");
            //DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatures = signedWorkbook.GetDigitalSignature();

            //foreach (DigitalSignature ds in digitalSignatures)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Comments: " + ds.Comments);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Sign Time: " + ds.SignTime);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Is Valid: " + ds.IsValid);

See Also