Enum XAdESType

XAdESType enumeration

Type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES).

public enum XAdESType


None0XAdES is off.
XAdES1Basic XAdES.



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

    public class XAdESTypeDemo
        public static void XAdESTypeExample()
            // Source directory
            string sourceDir = "path_to_source_directory";
            // Output directory
            string outputDir = "path_to_output_directory";
            // Load the workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(Path.Combine(sourceDir, "XAdESTypeExample_original.xlsx"));

            // Define the password for the PFX file
            string password = "pfxPassword";
            // Path to the PFX file
            string pfxPath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "pfxFile.pfx");

            // Create a digital signature
            DigitalSignature signature = new DigitalSignature(File.ReadAllBytes(pfxPath), password, "testXAdES", DateTime.Now);
            // Set the XAdES type
            signature.XAdESType = XAdESType.XAdES;

            // Create a collection of digital signatures
            DigitalSignatureCollection dsCollection = new DigitalSignatureCollection();

            // Set the digital signature to the workbook

            // Save the workbook with the digital signature
            workbook.Save(Path.Combine(outputDir, "XAdESSignatureSupport_out.xlsx"));

            // Verify the digital signature
            Workbook signedWorkbook = new Workbook(Path.Combine(outputDir, "XAdESSignatureSupport_out.xlsx"));
            DigitalSignatureCollection signatures = signedWorkbook.GetDigitalSignature();

            foreach (DigitalSignature ds in signatures)
                Console.WriteLine($"Comments: {ds.Comments}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Sign Time: {ds.SignTime}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Is Valid: {ds.IsValid}");
                Console.WriteLine($"XAdES Type: {ds.XAdESType}");

See Also