Class GridShapeDraw

GridShapeDraw class

base class of Shape and Picture

public abstract class GridShapeDraw


ActualHeight { get; }Represents the actual height of shape, in unit of pixels.
ActualWidth { get; }Represents the actual width of shape, in unit of pixels.
AlternativeText { get; set; }Returns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the GridShapeDraw object.
Bottom { get; set; }Represents the width of the shape’s vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels.
Height { get; set; }Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel.
Hyperlink { get; }Gets the hyperlink of the shape.
IsHidden { get; set; }Indicates whether the object is visible.
IsInGroup { get; }Indicates whether the shape is grouped.
IsLockAspectRatio { get; set; }True means that don’t allow changes in aspect ratio.
IsLocked { get; set; }True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the sheet is protected.
Left { get; set; }Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels.
LeftToCorner { get; set; }Gets and sets the horizonal offset of shape from worksheet left border.
LowerRightColumn { get; set; }Represents lower right corner column index.
LowerRightRow { get; set; }Represents lower right corner row index.
MsoDrawingType { get; }Gets and sets mso drawing type.
Name { get; set; }Gets and sets the name of the shape.
Right { get; set; }Represents the width of the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels.
RotationAngle { get; set; }Gets and sets the rotation of the shape.
Text { get; set; }Represents the string in this TextBox object.
Title { get; set; }Specifies the title (caption) of the current shape object.
Top { get; set; }Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels.
TopToCorner { get; set; }Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border, in unit of pixels.
UpperLeftColumn { get; }Represents upper left corner column index.
UpperLeftRow { get; }Represents upper left corner row index.
Width { get; set; }Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixels.
ZOrderPosition { get; set; }Returns the position of a shape in the z-order.


AddHyperlink(string)Adds a hyperlink to the shape.
AlignTopRightCorner(int, int)Moves the picture to the top-right corner.
abstract GetImage()return image of this shape
IsGroup()Indicates whether the shape is a group.
MoveToRange(int, int, int, int)Moves the shape to a specified range.
RemoveHyperlink()Remove the hyperlink of the shape.

See Also