Class GridValidation

GridValidation class

Represents data validation.settings.

public class GridValidation


GridValidation()The default constructor.


AreaList { get; }Represents a collection of CellArea which contains the data validation settings.
ClientValidationFunction { get; set; }Gets or sets the client validation javascript function name.
CustomMsgForStopEdit { get; set; }Gets or sets the custom message to show when user edits invalid value.
CustomMsgForStopOper { get; set; }Gets or sets the custom message to show when user’s operation brings invalid value.
CustomMsgTitle { get; set; }Gets or sets the custom message title to show when a invalid value input.
CustomValidation { get; set; }Gets or sets the custom validation object.
ErrorMessage { get; set; }Represents the data validation error message.
ErrorTitle { get; set; }Represents the title of the data-validation error dialog box.
Formula1 { get; set; }Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
Formula2 { get; set; }Represents the value or expression associated with the second part of the data validation.
InputMessage { get; set; }Represents the data validation error message.
InputTitle { get; set; }Represents the title of the data-validation input dialog box.
IsRequired { get; set; }
Operator { get; set; }Represents the operator for the data validation.
RegEx { get; set; }Gets or sets the regular expression string.
ShowError { get; set; }Indicates whether the data validation error message will be displayed whenever the user enters invalid data.
ShowInput { get; set; }
ValidationType { get; set; }Gets or sets the validation type.
ValueList { get; set; }Gets/Sets the value list object.


AddACell(string)add the validation settings in the cell.
AddACell(int, int)add the validation settings in the cell.
AddArea(GridCellArea)Applies the validation to the area.
RemoveACell(int, int)Remove the validation settings in the cell.
RemoveArea(GridCellArea)Remove the validation settings in the range.

See Also