Class PowerQueryFormulaParameter

PowerQueryFormulaParameter class

Represents the parameter of power query formula.

public class PowerQueryFormulaParameter : PowerQueryFormula


override FormulaDefinition { get; }Gets the definition of the parameter.
GroupName { get; }Gets the name of group which contains this power query formula.(Inherited from PowerQueryFormula.)
Name { get; set; }Gets and sets the name of the power query formula.(Inherited from PowerQueryFormula.)
ParameterDefinition { get; }(Obsolete.) Gets the definition of the parameter.
PowerQueryFormulaItems { get; }Gets all items of power query formula.(Inherited from PowerQueryFormula.)
override Type { get; }Gets the type of power query formula.
Value { get; set; }Gets the value of parameter.



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.QueryTables;
    using System;

    public class PowerQueryFormulaParameterDemo
        public static void PowerQueryFormulaParameterExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook("PowerQueryFormulaDemo_original.xlsx");

            // Access the DataMashup property of the workbook
            DataMashup dataMashup = workbook.DataMashup;

            if (dataMashup != null)
                // Access the PowerQueryFormulas property
                PowerQueryFormulaCollection powerQueryFormulas = dataMashup.PowerQueryFormulas;

                // Access the PowerQueryFormulaParameters property
                PowerQueryFormulaParameterCollection powerQueryFormulaParameters = dataMashup.PowerQueryFormulaParameters;

                // Example usage: Iterate through PowerQueryFormulas
                foreach (PowerQueryFormula formula in powerQueryFormulas)

                // Example usage: Iterate through PowerQueryFormulaParameters
                foreach (PowerQueryFormulaParameter para in powerQueryFormulaParameters)
                    // Display the parameter details
                    Console.WriteLine("Parameter Name: " + para.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Parameter Value: " + para.Value);

                    Console.WriteLine("Parameter Definition: " + para.ParameterDefinition);

            // Save the workbook


See Also