Class PivotGlobalizationSettings

PivotGlobalizationSettings class

Represents the globalization settings for pivot tables.

public class PivotGlobalizationSettings


PivotGlobalizationSettings()The default constructor.


virtual GetShortTextOf12Months()Gets all short formatted string of 12 months.
virtual GetTextOf4Quaters()Gets the local text of 4 Quaters.
virtual GetTextOfAll()Gets the text of “(All)” label in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfColumnLabels()Gets the text of “Column Labels” label in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfDataFieldHeader()Gets the the text of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfDays()Gets the local text of “Days”.
virtual GetTextOfEmptyData()Gets the text of “(blank)” label in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfGrandTotal()Gets the text of “Grand Total” label in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfHours()Gets the local text of “Hours”.
virtual GetTextOfMinutes()Gets the local text of “Minutes”.
virtual GetTextOfMonths()Gets the local text of “Months”.
virtual GetTextOfMultipleItems()Gets the text of “(Multiple Items)” label in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfProtectedName(string)Gets the text for specified protected name.
virtual GetTextOfProtection()(Obsolete.) Gets the protection name in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfQuarters()Get the local text of “Quarters”.
virtual GetTextOfRange()Gets the local text of “Range”
virtual GetTextOfRowLabels()Gets the text of “Row Labels” label in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfSeconds()Gets the local text of “Seconds”
virtual GetTextOfSubTotal(PivotFieldSubtotalType)Gets the text of PivotFieldSubtotalType type in the PivotTable.
virtual GetTextOfTotal()Gets the text of “Total” label in the PivotTable. You need to override this method when the PivotTable contains two or more PivotFields in the data area.
virtual GetTextOfYears()Gets the local text of “Years”.



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using Aspose.Cells.Settings;
    using Aspose.Cells.Pivot;
    using System;

    public class PivotGlobalizationSettingsDemo
        public static void PivotGlobalizationSettingsExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Add some data to the worksheet

            // Create a pivot table
            int pivotIndex = worksheet.PivotTables.Add("A1:B5", "D1", "PivotTable1");
            PivotTable pivotTable = worksheet.PivotTables[pivotIndex];

            // Add fields to the pivot table
            pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, 0);
            pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, 1);

            // Create an instance of PivotGlobalizationSettings
            PivotGlobalizationSettings globalizationSettings = new PivotGlobalizationSettings();

            // Demonstrate the use of various methods
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Total: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfTotal());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Grand Total: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfGrandTotal());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Multiple Items: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfMultipleItems());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of All: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfAll());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Protection: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfProtection());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Column Labels: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfColumnLabels());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Row Labels: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfRowLabels());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Empty Data: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfEmptyData());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Data Field Header: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfDataFieldHeader());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Years: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfYears());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Quarters: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfQuarters());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Months: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfMonths());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Days: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfDays());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Hours: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfHours());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Minutes: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfMinutes());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Seconds: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfSeconds());
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Range: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfRange());

            // Example of GetTextOfProtectedName method
            string protectedName = "ProtectedNameExample";
            Console.WriteLine("Text of Protected Name: " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfProtectedName(protectedName));

            // Example of GetTextOfSubTotal method
            PivotFieldSubtotalType subTotalType = PivotFieldSubtotalType.Sum;
            Console.WriteLine("Text of SubTotal (Sum): " + globalizationSettings.GetTextOfSubTotal(subTotalType));

            // Save the workbook

See Also