
CalculationData.GetParamValue method

Gets the represented value object of the parameter at given index.

public object GetParamValue(int index)
indexInt32The index of the parameter(0 based)

Return Value

The calculated value of the parameter.


For one parameter:

If it is plain value, then returns the plain value itself;

If it is reference, then returns ReferredArea object;

If it references to dataset(s) with multiple values, then returns array of objects;

If it is some kind of expression that needs to be calculated, then it will be calculated in value mode and generally a single value will be returned according to current cell base. For example, if one parameter of D2’s formula is A:A+B:B, then A2+B2 will be calculated and returned. However, if this parameter has been specified as array mode (by UpdateCustomFunctionDefinition or CustomFunctionDefinition), then an array(object[][]) will be returned whose items are A1+B1,A2+B2,….

See Also