
Class TextAlignmentType

Utility class containing constants. Enumerates text alignment types.

Field Summary
const  NumberGENERAL
Represents general text alignment.
const  NumberBOTTOM
Represents bottom text alignment.
const  NumberCENTER
Represents center text alignment.
const  NumberCENTER_ACROSS
Represents center across text alignment.
const  NumberDISTRIBUTED
Represents distributed text alignment.
const  NumberFILL
Represents fill text alignment.
const  NumberJUSTIFY
Represents justify text alignment.
const  NumberLEFT
Represents left text alignment.
const  NumberRIGHT
Represents right text alignment.
const  NumberTOP
Represents top text alignment.
const  NumberJUSTIFIED_LOW
Aligns the text with an adjusted kashida length for Arabic text.
Distributes Thai text specially, because each character is treated as a word.

    • Field Detail

      • GENERAL

        const Number GENERAL
        Represents general text alignment.
      • BOTTOM

        const Number BOTTOM
        Represents bottom text alignment.
      • CENTER

        const Number CENTER
        Represents center text alignment.

        const Number CENTER_ACROSS
        Represents center across text alignment.

        const Number DISTRIBUTED
        Represents distributed text alignment.
      • FILL

        const Number FILL
        Represents fill text alignment.
      • JUSTIFY

        const Number JUSTIFY
        Represents justify text alignment.
      • LEFT

        const Number LEFT
        Represents left text alignment.
      • RIGHT

        const Number RIGHT
        Represents right text alignment.
      • TOP

        const Number TOP
        Represents top text alignment.

        const Number JUSTIFIED_LOW
        Aligns the text with an adjusted kashida length for Arabic text.

        const Number THAI_DISTRIBUTED
        Distributes Thai text specially, because each character is treated as a word.