
Class TxtSaveOptions

Represents the save options for csv/tab delimited/other text format.

Constructor Summary
Creates text file save options.
Creates text file save options.
Property Getters/Setters Summary
           Indicates whether always adding '"' for each field. If true then all values will be quoted; If false then values will only be quoted when needed(for example, when values contain special characters such as '"' , '\n' or separator character). Default is false.
           The cached file folder is used to store some large data.
           Make the workbook empty after saving the file.
           If true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file.
           Indicates if http compression is to be used in user's IIS.
           Gets and sets the default encoding.
           Indicates whether exporting all sheets to the text file. If it is false, only export the activesheet, just like MS Excel.
           The range of cells to be exported.
           Indicates whether the single quote sign should be exported as part of the value of one cell when Style.QuotePrefix is true for it. Default is false.
           Gets and sets the format strategy when exporting the cell value as string. The value of the property is CellValueFormatStrategy integer constant.
           Indicates whether separators should be output for blank row. Default value is false so by default the content for blank row will be empty.
           The Data provider to provide cells data for saving workbook in light mode.
           Indicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file.
           The physical folder where images will be saved when exporting a workbook to Aspose.Pdf XML format. Default is an empty string.
           Gets or sets how to quote values in the exported text file. The value of the property is TxtValueQuoteType integer constant.
           Indicates whether refreshing chart cache data
Gets the save file format. The value of the property is SaveFormat integer constant.
           Gets and sets char Delimiter of text file.
           Gets and sets a string value as separator.
           Indicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
           Indicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
           Indicates whether leading blank rows and columns should be trimmed like what ms excel does. Default is true.
           Indicates whether tailing blank cells in one row should be trimmed. Default is false.
           Indicates whether updating smart art setting. The default value is false.
           Indicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TxtSaveOptions

        function TxtSaveOptions()
        Creates text file save options.
      • TxtSaveOptions

        function TxtSaveOptions(format)
        Creates text file save options.
        format: Number - A SaveFormat value. The save format of the text file.
    • Property Getters/Setters Detail

      • getSeparator/setSeparator : char 

        function getSeparator() / function setSeparator(value)
        Gets and sets char Delimiter of text file.
      • getSeparatorString/setSeparatorString : String 

        function getSeparatorString() / function setSeparatorString(value)
        Gets and sets a string value as separator.
      • getEncoding/setEncoding : Encoding 

        function getEncoding() / function setEncoding(value)
        Gets and sets the default encoding.
      • getAlwaysQuoted/setAlwaysQuoted : boolean 

        function getAlwaysQuoted() / function setAlwaysQuoted(value)
        Indicates whether always adding '"' for each field. If true then all values will be quoted; If false then values will only be quoted when needed(for example, when values contain special characters such as '"' , '\n' or separator character). Default is false. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use QuoteType property instead. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • getQuoteType/setQuoteType : Number 

        function getQuoteType() / function setQuoteType(value)
        Gets or sets how to quote values in the exported text file. The value of the property is TxtValueQuoteType integer constant.
      • getFormatStrategy/setFormatStrategy : Number 

        function getFormatStrategy() / function setFormatStrategy(value)
        Gets and sets the format strategy when exporting the cell value as string. The value of the property is CellValueFormatStrategy integer constant.
      • getLightCellsDataProvider/setLightCellsDataProvider : LightCellsDataProvider 

        function getLightCellsDataProvider() / function setLightCellsDataProvider(value)
        The Data provider to provide cells data for saving workbook in light mode.
      • getTrimLeadingBlankRowAndColumn/setTrimLeadingBlankRowAndColumn : boolean 

        function getTrimLeadingBlankRowAndColumn() / function setTrimLeadingBlankRowAndColumn(value)
        Indicates whether leading blank rows and columns should be trimmed like what ms excel does. Default is true. Same with the rule in ms excel, a row/column will not be taken as blank if it has custom style, even if it contains no cell data. When saving with LightCells mode, this option takes no effect. User should control the output range by the implementation of LightCellsDataProvider or by speicifing ExportArea
      • getTrimTailingBlankCells/setTrimTailingBlankCells : boolean 

        function getTrimTailingBlankCells() / function setTrimTailingBlankCells(value)
        Indicates whether tailing blank cells in one row should be trimmed. Default is false. When saving with LightCells mode and the ExportArea has not been specified, this option takes no effect and one row will be extended to just the last cell provided by the implementation LightCellsDataProvider
      • getKeepSeparatorsForBlankRow/setKeepSeparatorsForBlankRow : boolean 

        function getKeepSeparatorsForBlankRow() / function setKeepSeparatorsForBlankRow(value)
        Indicates whether separators should be output for blank row. Default value is false so by default the content for blank row will be empty.
      • getExportArea/setExportArea : CellArea 

        function getExportArea() / function setExportArea(value)
        The range of cells to be exported. If the exported area has been specified, TrimLeadingBlankRowAndColumn will takes no effect.
      • getExportQuotePrefix/setExportQuotePrefix : boolean 

        function getExportQuotePrefix() / function setExportQuotePrefix(value)
        Indicates whether the single quote sign should be exported as part of the value of one cell when Style.QuotePrefix is true for it. Default is false.
      • getExportAllSheets/setExportAllSheets : boolean 

        function getExportAllSheets() / function setExportAllSheets(value)
        Indicates whether exporting all sheets to the text file. If it is false, only export the activesheet, just like MS Excel. The defult value is false.
      • getSaveFormat : Number 

        function getSaveFormat()
        Gets the save file format. The value of the property is SaveFormat integer constant.
      • getClearData/setClearData : boolean 

        function getClearData() / function setClearData(value)
        Make the workbook empty after saving the file.
      • getCachedFileFolder/setCachedFileFolder : String 

        function getCachedFileFolder() / function setCachedFileFolder(value)
        The cached file folder is used to store some large data.
      • getValidateMergedAreas/setValidateMergedAreas : boolean 

        function getValidateMergedAreas() / function setValidateMergedAreas(value)
        Indicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file. The default value is false.
      • getMergeAreas/setMergeAreas : boolean 

        function getMergeAreas() / function setMergeAreas(value)
        Indicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file. The default value is false.
      • getCreateDirectory/setCreateDirectory : boolean 

        function getCreateDirectory() / function setCreateDirectory(value)
        If true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file. The default value is false.
      • getSortNames/setSortNames : boolean 

        function getSortNames() / function setSortNames(value)
        Indicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
      • getSortExternalNames/setSortExternalNames : boolean 

        function getSortExternalNames() / function setSortExternalNames(value)
        Indicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
      • getRefreshChartCache/setRefreshChartCache : boolean 

        function getRefreshChartCache() / function setRefreshChartCache(value)
        Indicates whether refreshing chart cache data
      • getPdfExportImagesFolder/setPdfExportImagesFolder : String 

        function getPdfExportImagesFolder() / function setPdfExportImagesFolder(value)
        The physical folder where images will be saved when exporting a workbook to Aspose.Pdf XML format. Default is an empty string.
      • getEnableHTTPCompression/setEnableHTTPCompression : boolean 

        function getEnableHTTPCompression() / function setEnableHTTPCompression(value)
        Indicates if http compression is to be used in user's IIS. Please specify this property to true if http compression is used.
      • getUpdateSmartArt/setUpdateSmartArt : boolean 

        function getUpdateSmartArt() / function setUpdateSmartArt(value)
        Indicates whether updating smart art setting. The default value is false. Only effects after calling Shape.GetResultOfSmartArt() method and the cached shapes exist in the template file.