Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET


aspose.cellsThe Aspose.Cells namespace provides fundamental and base classes for generating, converting, modifying, rendering and printing Spreadsheets without utilizing Microsoft Excel.
For example, Workbook class is the main entry to create or load and then manipulate a spreadsheet file,
Cells class is the main class to manipulate all data and properties in a sheet, …etc.
aspose.cells.chartsThe Aspose.Cells.Charts namespace provides classes that allow to access and drawing charts and sparkline in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
aspose.cells.datamodelsThe Aspose.Cells.DataModels namespace provides classes to access and update data models of the workbook.
aspose.cells.digitalsignaturesThe Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures namespace provides classes to sign documents and verify signatures.
aspose.cells.drawingThe Aspose.Cells.Drawing namespace provides classes that allow to create and modify drawing shapes, form controls, and more advanced drawing objects.
aspose.cells.drawing.activexcontrolsThe Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls namespace provides classes that allow to draw and access ActiveXControl.
aspose.cells.drawing.equationsThe Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Equations namespace provides classes for creating various equation shapes (such as fractional equations, power equations, etc.) through equation nodes.
aspose.cells.drawing.textsThe Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts namespace provides classes that draw and format texts objects such paragraph, bullet and more.
aspose.cells.externalconnectionsThe Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections namespace provides classes for external connections to retrieve data from external sources such as Databases and the Web.
aspose.cells.jsonThe Aspose.Cells.Json namespace contains all classes of JSON.
aspose.cells.loadingThe Aspose.Cells.Loading namespace provides options classes of loading files.
aspose.cells.markdownThe Aspose.Cells.Markdown namespace contains classes that define settings for converting Excel to Markdown.
aspose.cells.markupThe Aspose.Cells.Markup namespace contains classes that represent customer defined semantics in a document: smart tags, custom XML and more markup tags.
aspose.cells.metadataThe Aspose.Cells.Metadata namespace contains all classes of loading and saving metadata of Spreadsheets.
aspose.cells.numbersThe Aspose.Cells.Numbers namespace contains all classes of loading and converting Apple Numbers files.
aspose.cells.odsThe Aspose.Cells.Ods namespace contains all classes of loading and converting OpenDocument Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.pivotThe Aspose.Cells.Pivot namespace contains all classes of rendering and manipulating PivotTable in Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.propertiesThe Aspose.Cells.Properties namespace provides classes to work with custom and built-in Spreadsheet properties such as title, keywords, company etc.
aspose.cells.querytablesThe Aspose.Cells.QueryTables namespace provides classes to access and update worksheet table built from data returned from an external data source, such as a SQL server or a Microsoft Access database.
aspose.cells.renderingThe Aspose.Cells.Rendering namespace provides classes for rendering image and pdf.
aspose.cells.rendering.pdfsecurityThe Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity namespace provides classes security options of Rendering pdf.
aspose.cells.revisionsThe Aspose.Cells.Revisions namespace provides classes to access revisions of Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.savingThe Aspose.Cells.Saving namespace provides options classes of saving files.
aspose.cells.settingsThe Aspose.Cells.Settings namespace contains classes that define settings for different features.
aspose.cells.slicersThe Aspose.Cells.Slicers namespace provides all classes for Pivot Table Slicer options for Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.slidesThe Aspose.Cells.Slides namespace contains classes that define settings for converting Excel to PowerPoint.
aspose.cells.tablesThe Aspose.Cells.Tables namespace contains classes that represent tables, rows, cells and their formatting for Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.timelinesThe Aspose.Cells.Timelines namespace contains classes that allow to access and draw timelines in Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.utilityThe Aspose.Cells.Utility namespace contains utility classes processing JSON formats for Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.vbaThe Aspose.Cells.Vba namespace contains classes to access Visual Basic Analysis projects and modules in Excel Spreadsheet files.
aspose.cells.webextensionsThe Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions namespace contains classes to access Office Add-in in Excel Files.
aspose.cellsgridjsThe Aspose.Cells.GridJs namespace contains all classes of GridJs which provide basic operations for managing spreadsheets without utilizing Microsoft Excel .