SeriesLayoutProperties class

SeriesLayoutProperties class

Represents the properties of series layout.

The SeriesLayoutProperties type exposes the following members:


__init__(self)Constructs a new instance of SeriesLayoutProperties


show_connector_linesIndicates whether showing connector lines between data points.
show_mean_lineIndicates whether showing the line connecting all mean points.
show_outlier_pointsIndicates whether showing outlier data points.
show_mean_markerIndicates whether showing markers denoting the mean.
show_inner_pointsIndicates whether showing non-outlier data points.
subtotalsRepresents the index of a subtotal data point.
quartile_calculationRepresents the statistical properties for the series.
map_label_layoutGets and sets the layout of map labels.
is_interval_left_closedIndicates whether the interval is closed on the left side.
map_chart_region_typeGets and sets the region type of the map.
map_chart_projection_typeGets and sets the projection type of the map.

See Also