to_tiff method

to_tiff(self, stream)

Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to stream.

def to_tiff(self, stream):
streamio.RawIOBasethe stream of the output image

to_tiff(self, filename)

Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to a file.

def to_tiff(self, filename):
filenamestrthe filename of the output image


The following code outputs all the pages of the first sheet to Tiff image.

from aspose.cells import SaveFormat, Workbook
from aspose.cells.rendering import ImageOrPrintOptions, SheetRender

# load the source file with images.
wb = Workbook("Book1.xlsx")
imgOpt = ImageOrPrintOptions()
# set output image type.
imgOpt.save_format = SaveFormat.TIFF
# render the first sheet.
sr = SheetRender(wb.worksheets[0], imgOpt)
# output all the pages of the sheet to Tiff image.

See Also