VbaModule class

VbaModule class

Represents the module in VBA project.

The VbaModule type exposes the following members:


nameGets and sets the name of Module.
typeGets the type of module.
binary_codesGets and sets the binary codes of module.
codesGets and sets the codes of module.


from aspose.cells import Workbook
from aspose.cells.vba import VbaModuleType

# Instantiating a Workbook object
workbook = Workbook()
#  Init VBA project.
vbaProject = workbook.vba_project
#  Add a new module.
index = vbaProject.modules.add(VbaModuleType.CLASS, "test")
#  Get vba module
vbaModule = vbaProject.modules[index]
#  Set codes
vbaModule.codes = "Sub ShowMessage()\r\nMsgBox \"Welcome to Aspose!\"\r\nEnd Sub"
# Saving the Excel file

See Also