get_precedents method


Gets all references appearing in this cell’s formula.


Collection of all references appearing in this cell’s formula.

def get_precedents(self):


  • Returns null if this is not a formula cell.All references appearing in this cell’s formula will be returned no matter they are referenced or not while calculating. For example, although cell A2 in formula “=IF(TRUE,A1,A2)” is not used while calculating, it is still taken as the formula’s precedents.To get those references which influence the calculation only, please use Cell.get_precedents_in_calculation.

  • Returns null if this is not a formula cell.All references appearing in this cell’s formula will be returned no matter they are referenced or not while calculating. For example, although cell A2 in formula “=IF(TRUE,A1,A2)” is not used while calculating, it is still taken as the formula’s precedents.To get those references which influence the calculation only, please use Cell.get_precedents_in_calculation.

  • Returns null if this is not a formula cell.All references appearing in this cell’s formula will be returned no matter they are referenced or not while calculating. For example, although cell A2 in formula “=IF(TRUE,A1,A2)” is not used while calculating, it is still taken as the formula’s precedents.To get those references which influence the calculation only, please use Cell.get_precedents_in_calculation.


from aspose.cells import CellsHelper, Workbook

workbook = Workbook()
cells = workbook.worksheets[0].cells
cells.get("A1").formula = "=B1+SUM(B1:B10)+[Book1.xls]Sheet1!A1"
areas = cells.get("A1").get_precedents()
for i in range(len(areas)):
    area = areas[i]
    stringBuilder = []
    if area.is_external_link:
    stringBuilder.append(CellsHelper.cell_index_to_name(area.start_row, area.start_column))
    if area.is_area:
        stringBuilder.append(CellsHelper.cell_index_to_name(area.end_row, area.end_column))

See Also