OdsSaveOptions class

OdsSaveOptions class

Represents the options of saving ods file.

Inheritance: OdsSaveOptionsSaveOptions

The OdsSaveOptions type exposes the following members:


initCreates the options of saving ods file.
initCreates the options of saving ods file.


save_formatGets the save file format.
clear_dataMake the workbook empty after saving the file.
cached_file_folderThe cached file folder is used to store some large data.
validate_merged_areasIndicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file.
merge_areasIndicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file.
create_directoryIf true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file.
sort_namesIndicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
sort_external_namesIndicates whether sorting external defined names before saving file.
refresh_chart_cacheIndicates whether refreshing chart cache data
warning_callbackGets or sets warning callback.
update_smart_artIndicates whether updating smart art setting.
The default value is false.
generator_typeGets and sets the generator of the ods file.
is_strict_schema11Indicates whether the ods file should be saved as ODF format version 1.1. Default is false.
odf_strict_versionGets and sets the ODF version.

See Also