GridExceptionType enumeration

GridExceptionType enumeration

Represents custom exception code for GridJs.

The GridExceptionType type exposes the following members:


CHARTInvalid chart setting.
DATA_TYPEInvalid data type setting.
DATA_VALIDATIONInvalid data validation setting.
CONDITIONAL_FORMATTINGInvalid data validation setting.
FILE_FORMATInvalid file format.
FORMULAInvalid formula.
INVALID_DATAInvalid data.
INVALID_OPERATORInvalid operator.
INCORRECT_PASSWORDIncorrect password.
LICENSELicense related errors.
LIMITATIONOut of MS Excel limitation error.
PAGE_SETUPInvalid page setup setting.
PIVOT_TABLEInvalid pivotTable setting.
SHAPEInvalid drawing object setting.
SPARKLINEInvalid sparkline object setting.
SHEET_NAMEInvalid worksheet name.
SHEET_TYPEInvalid worksheet type.
INTERRUPTEDThe process is interrupted.
IOThe file is invalid.
PERMISSIONPermission is required to open this file.
UNSUPPORTED_FEATUREUnsupported feature.
UNSUPPORTED_STREAMUnsupported stream to be opened.
UNDISCLOSED_INFORMATIONFiles contains some undisclosed information.

See Also