import_excel_file method


Imports the excel file from the file path.

def import_excel_file(self, file_name):
file_namestrThe full path of the file.


Imports the excel file from the file path.

def import_excel_file(self, uid, file_name):
uidstrThe unique id for the file cache, if set to null,it will be generated automatically.
file_namestrThe full path of the file.


Imports the excel file from file stream with load format.

def import_excel_file(self, filestream, format):
filestreamio.RawIOBaseThe stream of the excel file .
formatGridLoadFormatThe LoadFormat of the excel file.


Imports the excel file from file path and open password.

def import_excel_file(self, uid, file_name, password):
uidstrThe unique id for the file cache, if set to null,it will be generated automatically.
file_namestrThe full path of the file.
passwordstrThe open password of the excel file.The value can be null If no passowrd is set.


Imports the excel file from file stream.

def import_excel_file(self, uid, filestream, format):
uidstrThe unique id for the file cache, if set to null,it will be generated automatically.
filestreamio.RawIOBaseThe stream of the excel file .
formatGridLoadFormatThe LoadFormat of the excel file.


Imports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password.

def import_excel_file(self, filestream, format, password):
filestreamio.RawIOBaseThe stream of the excel file .
formatGridLoadFormatThe LoadFormat of the excel file.
passwordstrThe open password of the excel file.The value can be null If no passowrd is set.


Imports the excel file from file stream with load format and open password.

def import_excel_file(self, uid, filestream, format, password):
uidstrThe unique id for the file cache, if set to null,it will be generated automatically.
filestreamio.RawIOBaseThe stream of the excel file .
formatGridLoadFormatThe LoadFormat of the excel file.
passwordstrThe open password of the excel file.The value can be null If no passowrd is set

See Also