
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class TimeLineHelper

TimeLineHelper to set property of timeline shape.


Constructor Description
TimeLineHelper(Shape shape) TimeLineHelper.


Method Description
equals(Object arg0)
getDoubleStringFromDateTime(DateTime dateTime) Convert the date time to double value.
getTimePeriodFinish() Time Period for finish of timeline shape
getTimePeriodStart() Time Period for start of timeline shape
getTimeScale() scale of timeline shape
getWeekEnd(DateTime startDate, int weekStart) getweekstart
refreshTimeLine() Refresh time of timeline shapes
setArrowHead(int value) ArrowHead of timeline shape
setAutoUpdate(boolean value) whether to update data for markers (milestones, intervals) as they are moved on timeline
setBeginWeek(int value) Begin week of timeline shape
setDateFormatForBE(int value) DateFormat for start and finish of timeline shape ///
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| **Value**\\u9286\\u20ac | **Format String**\\u9286\\u20ac |
| 0                       | dddd, yyyy-M-d                  |
| 1                       | yyyy-MM-dd                      |
| 2                       | yy-MMM-d                        |
| 3                       | yyyy/M/d                        |
| 4                       | yy-MMM.                         | |

| setDateFormatForIntm(int value) | DateFormat for Intm of timeline shape ///

| ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| **Value**\\u9286\\u20ac | **Format String**\\u9286\\u20ac |
| 0                       | dddd, yyyy-M-d                  |
| 1                       | yyyy-MM-dd                      |
| 2                       | yy-MMM-d                        |
| 3                       | yyyy/M/d                        |
| 4                       | yy-MMM.                         | |

| setDateFormatStringForBE(String value) | DateFormat String for start and finish of timeline shape | | setDateFormatStringForIntm(String value) | DateFormat String for Intm of timeline shape | | setDisplayBE(boolean value) | whether to display Begin and End dates on timeline | | setDisplayIntm(boolean value) | whether to display interim date/time ticks on timeline | | setDisplayIntmDates(boolean value) | whether to display interim dates on interim ticks | | setFiscalStart(DateTime value) | First day of fiscal year | | setTimeLineType(int value) | Begin week of timeline shape | | setTimePeriodFinish(DateTime value) | | | setTimePeriodStart(DateTime value) | | | setTimeScale(int value) | | | toString() | | | wait() | | | wait(long arg0) | | | wait(long arg0, int arg1) | |

TimeLineHelper(Shape shape)

public TimeLineHelper(Shape shape)



Parameter Type Description
shape Shape

equals(Object arg0)

public boolean equals(Object arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 java.lang.Object

Returns: boolean


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class

getDoubleStringFromDateTime(DateTime dateTime)

public static String getDoubleStringFromDateTime(DateTime dateTime)

Convert the date time to double value.


Parameter Type Description
dateTime DateTime The date time.

Returns: java.lang.String -


public DateTime getTimePeriodFinish()

Time Period for finish of timeline shape

Returns: DateTime


public DateTime getTimePeriodStart()

Time Period for start of timeline shape

Returns: DateTime


public int getTimeScale()

scale of timeline shape

Returns: int

getWeekEnd(DateTime startDate, int weekStart)

public static DateTime getWeekEnd(DateTime startDate, int weekStart)



Parameter Type Description
startDate DateTime
weekStart int (0sunday 1monday 2 3 4 5 6)

Returns: DateTime -


public native int hashCode()

Returns: int


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public void refreshTimeLine()

Refresh time of timeline shapes

setArrowHead(int value)

public void setArrowHead(int value)

ArrowHead of timeline shape


Parameter Type Description
value int

setAutoUpdate(boolean value)

public void setAutoUpdate(boolean value)

whether to update data for markers (milestones, intervals) as they are moved on timeline


Parameter Type Description
value boolean

setBeginWeek(int value)

public void setBeginWeek(int value)

Begin week of timeline shape


Parameter Type Description
value int

setDateFormatForBE(int value)

public void setDateFormatForBE(int value)

DateFormat for start and finish of timeline shape ///

| ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| **Value**\\u9286\\u20ac | **Format String**\\u9286\\u20ac |
| 0                       | dddd, yyyy-M-d                  |
| 1                       | yyyy-MM-dd                      |
| 2                       | yy-MMM-d                        |
| 3                       | yyyy/M/d                        |
| 4                       | yy-MMM.-d                       |
| 5                       | d MMMM yyyy                     |
| 6                       | yy-M                            |
| 7                       | MMM-yy                          |
| 8                       | MMMM d, yyyy                    |
| 9                       | MMM d, yyyy                     |
| 10                      | M-d-yy                          |
| 11                      | M-d                             |
| 12                      | d MMMM, yyyy                    |
| 13                      | d MMM, yyyy                     |
| 14                      | d-M-yy                          |
| 15                      | d-M                             |
| 16                      | yy-M-d                          |
| 17                      | yyyy-M-d                        |
| 18                      | M-yy                            |
| 19                      | M-yyyy                          |
| 20                      | MMMM yyyy                       |
| 21                      | MMMM yy                         |
| 22                      | MMM yyyy                        |
| 23                      | MMM yy                          |
| 24                      | yy                              |
| 25                      | yyyy                            |
| 26                      | d                               |
| 27                      | MMMM                            |
| 28                      | MMM                             |
| 29                      | M                               |
| 30                      | MM/dd/yyyy                      |


Parameter Type Description
value int

setDateFormatForIntm(int value)

public void setDateFormatForIntm(int value)

DateFormat for Intm of timeline shape ///

| ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| **Value**\\u9286\\u20ac | **Format String**\\u9286\\u20ac |
| 0                       | dddd, yyyy-M-d                  |
| 1                       | yyyy-MM-dd                      |
| 2                       | yy-MMM-d                        |
| 3                       | yyyy/M/d                        |
| 4                       | yy-MMM.-d                       |
| 5                       | d MMMM yyyy                     |
| 6                       | yy-M                            |
| 7                       | MMM-yy                          |
| 8                       | MMMM d, yyyy                    |
| 9                       | MMM d, yyyy                     |
| 10                      | M-d-yy                          |
| 11                      | M-d                             |
| 12                      | d MMMM, yyyy                    |
| 13                      | d MMM, yyyy                     |
| 14                      | d-M-yy                          |
| 15                      | d-M                             |
| 16                      | yy-M-d                          |
| 17                      | yyyy-M-d                        |
| 18                      | M-yy                            |
| 19                      | M-yyyy                          |
| 20                      | MMMM yyyy                       |
| 21                      | MMMM yy                         |
| 22                      | MMM yyyy                        |
| 23                      | MMM yy                          |
| 24                      | yy                              |
| 25                      | yyyy                            |
| 26                      | d                               |
| 27                      | MMMM                            |
| 28                      | MMM                             |
| 29                      | M                               |
| 30                      | MM/dd/yyyy                      |


Parameter Type Description
value int

setDateFormatStringForBE(String value)

public void setDateFormatStringForBE(String value)

DateFormat String for start and finish of timeline shape


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setDateFormatStringForIntm(String value)

public void setDateFormatStringForIntm(String value)

DateFormat String for Intm of timeline shape


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String

setDisplayBE(boolean value)

public void setDisplayBE(boolean value)

whether to display Begin and End dates on timeline


Parameter Type Description
value boolean

setDisplayIntm(boolean value)

public void setDisplayIntm(boolean value)

whether to display interim date/time ticks on timeline


Parameter Type Description
value boolean

setDisplayIntmDates(boolean value)

public void setDisplayIntmDates(boolean value)

whether to display interim dates on interim ticks


Parameter Type Description
value boolean

setFiscalStart(DateTime value)

public void setFiscalStart(DateTime value)

First day of fiscal year


Parameter Type Description
value DateTime

setTimeLineType(int value)

public void setTimeLineType(int value)

Begin week of timeline shape


Parameter Type Description
value int

setTimePeriodFinish(DateTime value)

public void setTimePeriodFinish(DateTime value)


Parameter Type Description
value DateTime

setTimePeriodStart(DateTime value)

public void setTimePeriodStart(DateTime value)


Parameter Type Description
value DateTime

setTimeScale(int value)

public void setTimeScale(int value)


Parameter Type Description
value int


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long

wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)


Parameter Type Description
arg0 long
arg1 int