ActiveXPersistenceType |
Represents the persistence method to persist an ActiveX control. |
CheckValueType |
Represents the check value type of the check box. |
ControlBorderType |
Represents the border type of the ActiveX control. |
ControlCaptionAlignmentType |
Represents the position of the Caption relative to the control. |
ControlListStyle |
Represents the visual appearance of the list in a ListBox or ComboBox. |
ControlMatchEntryType |
Represents how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types. |
ControlMousePointerType |
Represents the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control. |
ControlPictureAlignmentType |
Represents the alignment of the picture inside the Form or Image. |
ControlPicturePositionType |
Represents the location of the control’s picture relative to its caption. |
ControlPictureSizeMode |
Represents how to display the picture. |
ControlScrollBarType |
Represents the type of scroll bar. |
ControlScrollOrientation |
Represents type of scroll orientation |
ControlSpecialEffectType |
Represents the type of special effect. |
ControlType |
Represents all type of ActiveX control. |
DropButtonStyle |
Represents the symbol displayed on the drop button. |
InputMethodEditorMode |
Represents the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor. |
ShowDropButtonType |
Specifies when to show the drop button |