CoordinateCollection class

CoordinateCollection class

Coordinate collection.

Inheritance: CoordinateCollectionCollection

The CoordinateCollection type exposes the following members:


Property Description
count Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection.
move_to_col Contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex of a shape, or contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex after a break in a path.
line_to_col Contains x- and y-coordinates of the ending vertex of a straight line segment. These coordinates are contained in the X and Y elements, respectively.
arc_to_col Contains the x- and y-coordinates and bow of a circular arc represented respectively by the X, Y, and A elements.
infinite_line_col Contains elements specifying the x- and y-coordinates of two points on an infinite line. The X and Y elements specify the x- and y-coordinates of the first point, and the A and B elements specify the x- and y-coordinates of the second point.
ellipse_col Contains elements specifying the x- and y-coordinates of the ellipse’s center point and two points on the ellipse.
elliptical_arc_to_col Contains elements that specify information about an elliptical arc.
spline_start_col Contains x- and y-coordinates for a spline’s second control point, its second knot, its first knot, the last knot, and the degree of the spline. This information is contained in the X, Y, A, B, C, and D elements, respectively.
spline_knot_col Contains x- and y-coordinates for a spline’s control point and a spline’s knot, represented by the X, Y, and A elements, respectively.
polyline_to_col Contains x- and y-coordinates of the last point of a polyline and a polyline formula. The coordinates are specified in the X and Y elements, and the formula is specified in the A element.
nurbs_to_col Contains the x- and y-coordinates, position of the second to last knot, position of the last weight, position of the first knot, position of the first weight, and the formula for a nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS). This information is specified in the X, Y, A, B, C, D, and E elements, respectively.
rel_cub_bez_to_col Contains x- and y-coordinates for a RelCubBezTo’s points.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
rel_quad_bez_to_col Contains x- and y-coordinates for a RelQuadBezTo’s points.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
rel_move_to_col Contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex of a shape, or contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex after a break in a path.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
rel_line_to_col Contains x- and y-coordinates of the ending vertex of a straight line segment. These coordinates are contained in the X and Y elements, respectively.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
rel_elliptical_arc_to_col Contains elements that specify information about an elliptical arc.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.

Gets the element at the specified index.


Name Description


Method Description
add(item) Add the Coordinate object in the collection.
add(item) Add the MoveTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the LineTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the ArcTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the InfiniteLine object in the collection.
add(item) Add the Ellipse object in the collection.
add(item) Add the EllipticalArcTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the SplineStart object in the collection.
add(item) Add the SplineKnot object in the collection.
add(item) Add the PolylineTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the NURBSTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the RelCubBezTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the RelQuadBezTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the RelMoveTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the RelLineTo object in the collection.
add(item) Add the RelEllipticalArcTo object in the collection.
remove(item) Remove the Coordinate object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the MoveTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the LineTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the ArcTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the InfiniteLine object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the Ellipse object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the EllipticalArcTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the SplineStart object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the SplineKnot object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the PolylineTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the NURBSTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the RelCubBezTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the RelQuadBezTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the RelMoveTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the RelLineTo object from the collection.
remove(item) Remove the RelEllipticalArcTo object from the collection.
is_exist(index) Is exist item in the collection.
clear() Removes all elements from collection.

See Also