
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class PageSettings

Specifies settings that apply to a single, printed page.




getBounds()Gets the size of the page, taking into account the page orientation specified by the PageSettings property .
getHardMarginX()Gets the x-coordinate, in hundredths of an inch, of the hard margin at the left of the page.
getHardMarginY()Gets the y-coordinate, in hundredths of an inch, of the hard margin at the top of the page.
getPrinterResolution()Gets the printer resolution for the page.


public PageSettings()


public final Rectangle getBounds()

Gets the size of the page, taking into account the page orientation specified by the PageSettings property .

Returns: Rectangle - A Rectangle that represents the length and width, in hundredths of an inch, of the page.


public final float getHardMarginX()

Gets the x-coordinate, in hundredths of an inch, of the hard margin at the left of the page.

Returns: float - The x-coordinate, in hundredths of an inch, of the left-hand hard margin.


public final float getHardMarginY()

Gets the y-coordinate, in hundredths of an inch, of the hard margin at the top of the page.

Returns: float - The y-coordinate, in hundredths of an inch, of the hard margin at the top of the page.


public final PrinterResolution getPrinterResolution()

Gets the printer resolution for the page.

Returns: PrinterResolution - A PrinterResolution(.getPrinterResolution) that specifies the printer resolution for the page. The default is the printer’s default resolution.