
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public final class Brushes

Brushes for all the standard colors. This class cannot be inherited.


getTransparent()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getAliceBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getAntiqueWhite()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getAqua()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getAquamarine()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getAzure()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBeige()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBisque()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBlack()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBlanchedAlmond()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBlueViolet()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBrown()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getBurlyWood()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getCadetBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getChartreuse()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getChocolate()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getCoral()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getCornflowerBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getCornsilk()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getCrimson()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getCyan()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkCyan()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkGoldenrod()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkKhaki()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkMagenta()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkOliveGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkOrange()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkOrchid()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkRed()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkSalmon()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkSeaGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkSlateBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkSlateGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkTurquoise()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDarkViolet()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDeepPink()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDeepSkyBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDimGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getDodgerBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getFirebrick()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getFloralWhite()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getForestGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getFuchsia()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGainsboro()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGhostWhite()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGold()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGoldenrod()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getGreenYellow()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getHoneydew()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getHotPink()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getIndianRed()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getIndigo()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getIvory()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getKhaki()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLavender()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLavenderBlush()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLawnGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLemonChiffon()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightCoral()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightCyan()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightGoldenrodYellow()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightPink()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightSalmon()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightSeaGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightSkyBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightSlateGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightSteelBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLightYellow()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLime()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLimeGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getLinen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMagenta()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMaroon()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumAquamarine()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumOrchid()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumPurple()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumSeaGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumSlateBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumSpringGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumTurquoise()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMediumVioletRed()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMidnightBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMintCream()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMistyRose()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getMoccasin()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getNavajoWhite()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getNavy()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getOldLace()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getOlive()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getOliveDrab()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getOrange()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getOrangeRed()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getOrchid()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPaleGoldenrod()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPaleGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPaleTurquoise()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPaleVioletRed()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPapayaWhip()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPeachPuff()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPeru()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPink()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPlum()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPowderBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getPurple()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getRed()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getRosyBrown()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getRoyalBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSaddleBrown()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSalmon()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSandyBrown()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSeaGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSeaShell()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSienna()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSilver()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSkyBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSlateBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSlateGray()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSnow()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSpringGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getSteelBlue()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getTan()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getTeal()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getThistle()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getTomato()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getTurquoise()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getViolet()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getWheat()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getWhite()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getWhiteSmoke()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getYellow()Gets a system-defined Brush object.
getYellowGreen()Gets a system-defined Brush object.


public static Brush getTransparent()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getAliceBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getAntiqueWhite()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getAqua()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getAquamarine()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getAzure()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBeige()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBisque()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBlack()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBlanchedAlmond()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBlueViolet()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBrown()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getBurlyWood()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getCadetBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getChartreuse()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getChocolate()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getCoral()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getCornflowerBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getCornsilk()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getCrimson()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getCyan()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkCyan()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkGoldenrod()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkKhaki()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkMagenta()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkOliveGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkOrange()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkOrchid()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkRed()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkSalmon()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkSeaGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkSlateBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkSlateGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkTurquoise()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDarkViolet()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDeepPink()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDeepSkyBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDimGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getDodgerBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getFirebrick()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getFloralWhite()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getForestGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getFuchsia()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGainsboro()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGhostWhite()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGold()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGoldenrod()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getGreenYellow()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getHoneydew()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getHotPink()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getIndianRed()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getIndigo()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getIvory()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getKhaki()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLavender()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLavenderBlush()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLawnGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLemonChiffon()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightCoral()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightCyan()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightGoldenrodYellow()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightPink()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightSalmon()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightSeaGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightSkyBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightSlateGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightSteelBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLightYellow()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLime()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLimeGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getLinen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMagenta()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMaroon()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumAquamarine()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumOrchid()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumPurple()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumSeaGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumSlateBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumSpringGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumTurquoise()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMediumVioletRed()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMidnightBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMintCream()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMistyRose()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getMoccasin()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getNavajoWhite()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getNavy()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getOldLace()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getOlive()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getOliveDrab()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getOrange()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getOrangeRed()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getOrchid()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPaleGoldenrod()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPaleGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPaleTurquoise()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPaleVioletRed()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPapayaWhip()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPeachPuff()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPeru()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPink()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPlum()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPowderBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getPurple()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getRed()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getRosyBrown()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getRoyalBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSaddleBrown()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSalmon()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSandyBrown()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSeaGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSeaShell()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSienna()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSilver()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSkyBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSlateBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSlateGray()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSnow()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSpringGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getSteelBlue()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getTan()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getTeal()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getThistle()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getTomato()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getTurquoise()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getViolet()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getWheat()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getWhite()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getWhiteSmoke()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getYellow()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE


public static Brush getYellowGreen()

Gets a system-defined Brush object.

Returns: Brush - A Brush object set to a system-defined color. 1KKKCODEBKKKCODEE