
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public final class Pens

Pens for all the standard colors. This class cannot be inherited.


getAliceBlue()Gets the alice blue Pen.
getAntiqueWhite()Gets the antique white Pen.
getAqua()Gets the aqua Pen.
getAquamarine()Gets the aquamarine Pen.
getAzure()Gets the azure Pen.
getBeige()Gets the beige Pen.
getBisque()Gets the bisque Pen.
getBlack()Gets the black Pen.
getBlanchedAlmond()Gets the blanched almond Pen.
getBlue()Gets the blue Pen.
getBlueViolet()Gets the blue violet Pen.
getBrown()Gets the brown Pen.
getBurlyWood()Gets the burly wood Pen.
getCadetBlue()Gets the cadet blue Pen.
getChartreuse()Gets the chartreuse Pen.
getChocolate()Gets the chocolate Pen.
getCoral()Gets the coral Pen.
getCornflowerBlue()Gets the cornflower blue Pen.
getCornsilk()Gets the cornsilk Pen.
getCrimson()Gets the crimson Pen.
getCyan()Gets the cyan Pen.
getDarkBlue()Gets the dark blue Pen.
getDarkCyan()Gets the dark cyan Pen.
getDarkGoldenrod()Gets the dark goldenrod Pen.
getDarkGray()Gets the dark gray Pen.
getDarkGreen()Gets the dark green Pen.
getDarkKhaki()Gets the dark khaki Pen.
getDarkMagenta()Gets the dark magenta Pen.
getDarkOliveGreen()Gets the dark olive green Pen.
getDarkOrange()Gets the dark orange Pen.
getDarkOrchid()Gets the dark orchid Pen.
getDarkRed()Gets the dark red Pen.
getDarkSalmon()Gets the dark salmon Pen.
getDarkSeaGreen()Gets the dark sea green Pen.
getDarkSlateBlue()Gets the dark slate blue Pen.
getDarkSlateGray()Gets the dark slate gray Pen.
getDarkTurquoise()Gets the dark turquoise Pen.
getDarkViolet()Gets the dark violet Pen.
getDeepPink()Gets the deep pink Pen.
getDeepSkyBlue()Gets the deep sky blue Pen.
getDimGray()Gets the dim gray Pen.
getDodgerBlue()Gets the dodger blue Pen.
getFirebrick()Gets the firebrick Pen.
getFloralWhite()Gets the floral white Pen.
getForestGreen()Gets the forest green Pen.
getFuchsia()Gets the fuchsia Pen.
getGainsboro()Gets the gainsboro Pen.
getGhostWhite()Gets the ghost white Pen.
getGold()Gets the gold Pen.
getGoldenrod()Gets the goldenrod Pen.
getGray()Gets the gray Pen.
getGreen()Gets the green Pen.
getGreenYellow()Gets the green yellow Pen.
getHoneydew()Gets the honeydew Pen.
getHotPink()Gets the hot pink Pen.
getIndianRed()Gets the indian red Pen.
getIndigo()Gets the indigo Pen.
getIvory()Gets the ivory Pen.
getKhaki()Gets the khaki Pen.
getLavender()Gets the lavender Pen.
getLavenderBlush()Gets the lavender blush Pen.
getLawnGreen()Gets the lawn green Pen.
getLemonChiffon()Gets the lemon chiffon Pen.
getLightBlue()Gets the light blue Pen.
getLightCoral()Gets the light coral Pen.
getLightCyan()Gets the light cyan Pen.
getLightGoldenrodYellow()Gets the light goldenrod yellow Pen.
getLightGray()Gets the light gray Pen.
getLightGreen()Gets the light green Pen.
getLightPink()Gets the light pink Pen.
getLightSalmon()Gets the light salmon Pen.
getLightSeaGreen()Gets the light sea green Pen.
getLightSkyBlue()Gets the light sky blue Pen.
getLightSlateGray()Gets the light slate gray Pen.
getLightSteelBlue()Gets the light steel blue Pen.
getLightYellow()Gets the light yellow Pen.
getLime()Gets the lime Pen.
getLimeGreen()Gets the lime green Pen.
getLinen()Gets the linen Pen.
getMagenta()Gets the magenta Pen.
getMaroon()Gets the maroon Pen.
getMediumAquamarine()Gets the medium aquamarine Pen.
getMediumBlue()Gets the medium blue Pen.
getMediumOrchid()Gets the medium orchid Pen.
getMediumPurple()Gets the medium purple Pen.
getMediumSeaGreen()Gets the medium sea green Pen.
getMediumSlateBlue()Gets the medium slate blue Pen.
getMediumSpringGreen()Gets the medium spring green Pen.
getMediumTurquoise()Gets the medium turquoise Pen.
getMediumVioletRed()Gets the medium violet red Pen.
getMidnightBlue()Gets the midnight blue Pen.
getMintCream()Gets the mint cream Pen.
getMistyRose()Gets the misty rose Pen.
getMoccasin()Gets the moccasin Pen.
getNavajoWhite()Gets the navajo white Pen.
getNavy()Gets the navy Pen.
getOldLace()Gets the old lace Pen.
getOlive()Gets the olive Pen.
getOliveDrab()Gets the olive drab Pen.
getOrange()Gets the orange Pen.
getOrangeRed()Gets the orange red Pen.
getOrchid()Gets the orchid Pen.
getPaleGoldenrod()Gets the pale goldenrod Pen.
getPaleGreen()Gets the pale green Pen.
getPaleTurquoise()Gets the pale turquoise Pen.
getPaleVioletRed()Gets the pale violet red Pen.
getPapayaWhip()Gets the papaya whip Pen.
getPeachPuff()Gets the peach puff Pen.
getPeru()Gets the peru Pen.
getPink()Gets the pink Pen.
getPlum()Gets the plum Pen.
getPowderBlue()Gets the powder blue Pen.
getPurple()Gets the purple Pen.
getRed()Gets the red Pen.
getRosyBrown()Gets the rosy brown Pen.
getRoyalBlue()Gets the royal blue Pen.
getSaddleBrown()Gets the saddle brown Pen.
getSalmon()Gets the salmon Pen.
getSandyBrown()Gets the sandy brown Pen.
getSeaGreen()Gets the sea green Pen.
getSeaShell()Gets the sea shell Pen.
getSienna()Gets the sienna Pen.
getSilver()Gets the silver Pen.
getSkyBlue()Gets the sky blue Pen.
getSlateBlue()Gets the slate blue Pen.
getSlateGray()Gets the slate gray Pen.
getSnow()Gets the snow Pen.
getSpringGreen()Gets the spring green Pen.
getSteelBlue()Gets the steel blue Pen.
getTan()Gets the tan Pen.
getTeal()Gets the teal Pen.
getThistle()Gets the thistle Pen.
getTomato()Gets the tomato Pen.
getTransparent()Gets the transparent Pen.
getTurquoise()Gets the turquoise Pen.
getViolet()Gets the violet Pen.
getWheat()Gets the wheat Pen.
getWhite()Gets the white Pen.
getWhiteSmoke()Gets the white smoke Pen.
getYellow()Gets the yellow Pen.
getYellowGreen()Gets the yellow green Pen.


public static Pen getAliceBlue()

Gets the alice blue Pen.

Value: The alice blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the alice blue Pen.


public static Pen getAntiqueWhite()

Gets the antique white Pen.

Value: The antique white Pen.

Returns: Pen - the antique white Pen.


public static Pen getAqua()

Gets the aqua Pen.

Value: The aqua Pen.

Returns: Pen - the aqua Pen.


public static Pen getAquamarine()

Gets the aquamarine Pen.

Value: The aquamarine Pen.

Returns: Pen - the aquamarine Pen.


public static Pen getAzure()

Gets the azure Pen.

Value: The azure Pen.

Returns: Pen - the azure Pen.


public static Pen getBeige()

Gets the beige Pen.

Value: The beige Pen.

Returns: Pen - the beige Pen.


public static Pen getBisque()

Gets the bisque Pen.

Value: The bisque Pen.

Returns: Pen - the bisque Pen.


public static Pen getBlack()

Gets the black Pen.

Value: The black Pen.

Returns: Pen - the black Pen.


public static Pen getBlanchedAlmond()

Gets the blanched almond Pen.

Value: The blanched almond Pen.

Returns: Pen - the blanched almond Pen.


public static Pen getBlue()

Gets the blue Pen.

Value: The blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the blue Pen.


public static Pen getBlueViolet()

Gets the blue violet Pen.

Value: The blue violet Pen.

Returns: Pen - the blue violet Pen.


public static Pen getBrown()

Gets the brown Pen.

Value: The brown Pen.

Returns: Pen - the brown Pen.


public static Pen getBurlyWood()

Gets the burly wood Pen.

Value: The burly wood Pen.

Returns: Pen - the burly wood Pen.


public static Pen getCadetBlue()

Gets the cadet blue Pen.

Value: The cadet blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the cadet blue Pen.


public static Pen getChartreuse()

Gets the chartreuse Pen.

Value: The chartreuse Pen.

Returns: Pen - the chartreuse Pen.


public static Pen getChocolate()

Gets the chocolate Pen.

Value: The chocolate Pen.

Returns: Pen - the chocolate Pen.


public static Pen getCoral()

Gets the coral Pen.

Value: The coral Pen.

Returns: Pen - the coral Pen.


public static Pen getCornflowerBlue()

Gets the cornflower blue Pen.

Value: The cornflower blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the cornflower blue Pen.


public static Pen getCornsilk()

Gets the cornsilk Pen.

Value: The cornsilk Pen.

Returns: Pen - the cornsilk Pen.


public static Pen getCrimson()

Gets the crimson Pen.

Value: The crimson Pen.

Returns: Pen - the crimson Pen.


public static Pen getCyan()

Gets the cyan Pen.

Value: The cyan Pen.

Returns: Pen - the cyan Pen.


public static Pen getDarkBlue()

Gets the dark blue Pen.

Value: The dark blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark blue Pen.


public static Pen getDarkCyan()

Gets the dark cyan Pen.

Value: The dark cyan Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark cyan Pen.


public static Pen getDarkGoldenrod()

Gets the dark goldenrod Pen.

Value: The dark goldenrod Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark goldenrod Pen.


public static Pen getDarkGray()

Gets the dark gray Pen.

Value: The dark gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark gray Pen.


public static Pen getDarkGreen()

Gets the dark green Pen.

Value: The dark green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark green Pen.


public static Pen getDarkKhaki()

Gets the dark khaki Pen.

Value: The dark khaki Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark khaki Pen.


public static Pen getDarkMagenta()

Gets the dark magenta Pen.

Value: The dark magenta Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark magenta Pen.


public static Pen getDarkOliveGreen()

Gets the dark olive green Pen.

Value: The dark olive green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark olive green Pen.


public static Pen getDarkOrange()

Gets the dark orange Pen.

Value: The dark orange Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark orange Pen.


public static Pen getDarkOrchid()

Gets the dark orchid Pen.

Value: The dark orchid Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark orchid Pen.


public static Pen getDarkRed()

Gets the dark red Pen.

Value: The dark red Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark red Pen.


public static Pen getDarkSalmon()

Gets the dark salmon Pen.

Value: The dark salmon Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark salmon Pen.


public static Pen getDarkSeaGreen()

Gets the dark sea green Pen.

Value: The dark sea green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark sea green Pen.


public static Pen getDarkSlateBlue()

Gets the dark slate blue Pen.

Value: The dark slate blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark slate blue Pen.


public static Pen getDarkSlateGray()

Gets the dark slate gray Pen.

Value: The dark slate gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark slate gray Pen.


public static Pen getDarkTurquoise()

Gets the dark turquoise Pen.

Value: The dark turquoise Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark turquoise Pen.


public static Pen getDarkViolet()

Gets the dark violet Pen.

Value: The dark violet Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dark violet Pen.


public static Pen getDeepPink()

Gets the deep pink Pen.

Value: The deep pink Pen.

Returns: Pen - the deep pink Pen.


public static Pen getDeepSkyBlue()

Gets the deep sky blue Pen.

Value: The deep sky blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the deep sky blue Pen.


public static Pen getDimGray()

Gets the dim gray Pen.

Value: The dim gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dim gray Pen.


public static Pen getDodgerBlue()

Gets the dodger blue Pen.

Value: The dodger blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the dodger blue Pen.


public static Pen getFirebrick()

Gets the firebrick Pen.

Value: The firebrick Pen.

Returns: Pen - the firebrick Pen.


public static Pen getFloralWhite()

Gets the floral white Pen.

Value: The floral white Pen.

Returns: Pen - the floral white Pen.


public static Pen getForestGreen()

Gets the forest green Pen.

Value: The forest green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the forest green Pen.


public static Pen getFuchsia()

Gets the fuchsia Pen.

Value: The fuchsia Pen.

Returns: Pen - the fuchsia Pen.


public static Pen getGainsboro()

Gets the gainsboro Pen.

Value: The gainsboro Pen.

Returns: Pen - the gainsboro Pen.


public static Pen getGhostWhite()

Gets the ghost white Pen.

Value: The ghost white Pen.

Returns: Pen - the ghost white Pen.


public static Pen getGold()

Gets the gold Pen.

Value: The gold Pen.

Returns: Pen - the gold Pen.


public static Pen getGoldenrod()

Gets the goldenrod Pen.

Value: The goldenrod Pen.

Returns: Pen - the goldenrod Pen.


public static Pen getGray()

Gets the gray Pen.

Value: The gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the gray Pen.


public static Pen getGreen()

Gets the green Pen.

Value: The green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the green Pen.


public static Pen getGreenYellow()

Gets the green yellow Pen.

Value: The green yellow Pen.

Returns: Pen - the green yellow Pen.


public static Pen getHoneydew()

Gets the honeydew Pen.

Value: The honeydew Pen.

Returns: Pen - the honeydew Pen.


public static Pen getHotPink()

Gets the hot pink Pen.

Value: The hot pink Pen.

Returns: Pen - the hot pink Pen.


public static Pen getIndianRed()

Gets the indian red Pen.

Value: The indian red Pen.

Returns: Pen - the indian red Pen.


public static Pen getIndigo()

Gets the indigo Pen.

Value: The indigo Pen.

Returns: Pen - the indigo Pen.


public static Pen getIvory()

Gets the ivory Pen.

Value: The ivory Pen.

Returns: Pen - the ivory Pen.


public static Pen getKhaki()

Gets the khaki Pen.

Value: The khaki Pen.

Returns: Pen - the khaki Pen.


public static Pen getLavender()

Gets the lavender Pen.

Value: The lavender Pen.

Returns: Pen - the lavender Pen.


public static Pen getLavenderBlush()

Gets the lavender blush Pen.

Value: The lavender blush Pen.

Returns: Pen - the lavender blush Pen.


public static Pen getLawnGreen()

Gets the lawn green Pen.

Value: The lawn green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the lawn green Pen.


public static Pen getLemonChiffon()

Gets the lemon chiffon Pen.

Value: The lemon chiffon Pen.

Returns: Pen - the lemon chiffon Pen.


public static Pen getLightBlue()

Gets the light blue Pen.

Value: The light blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light blue Pen.


public static Pen getLightCoral()

Gets the light coral Pen.

Value: The light coral Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light coral Pen.


public static Pen getLightCyan()

Gets the light cyan Pen.

Value: The light cyan Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light cyan Pen.


public static Pen getLightGoldenrodYellow()

Gets the light goldenrod yellow Pen.

Value: The light goldenrod yellow Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light goldenrod yellow Pen.


public static Pen getLightGray()

Gets the light gray Pen.

Value: The light gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light gray Pen.


public static Pen getLightGreen()

Gets the light green Pen.

Value: The light green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light green Pen.


public static Pen getLightPink()

Gets the light pink Pen.

Value: The light pink Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light pink Pen.


public static Pen getLightSalmon()

Gets the light salmon Pen.

Value: The light salmon Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light salmon Pen.


public static Pen getLightSeaGreen()

Gets the light sea green Pen.

Value: The light sea green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light sea green Pen.


public static Pen getLightSkyBlue()

Gets the light sky blue Pen.

Value: The light sky blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light sky blue Pen.


public static Pen getLightSlateGray()

Gets the light slate gray Pen.

Value: The light slate gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light slate gray Pen.


public static Pen getLightSteelBlue()

Gets the light steel blue Pen.

Value: The light steel blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light steel blue Pen.


public static Pen getLightYellow()

Gets the light yellow Pen.

Value: The light yellow Pen.

Returns: Pen - the light yellow Pen.


public static Pen getLime()

Gets the lime Pen.

Value: The lime Pen.

Returns: Pen - the lime Pen.


public static Pen getLimeGreen()

Gets the lime green Pen.

Value: The lime green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the lime green Pen.


public static Pen getLinen()

Gets the linen Pen.

Value: The linen Pen.

Returns: Pen - the linen Pen.


public static Pen getMagenta()

Gets the magenta Pen.

Value: The magenta Pen.

Returns: Pen - the magenta Pen.


public static Pen getMaroon()

Gets the maroon Pen.

Value: The maroon Pen.

Returns: Pen - the maroon Pen.


public static Pen getMediumAquamarine()

Gets the medium aquamarine Pen.

Value: The medium aquamarine Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium aquamarine Pen.


public static Pen getMediumBlue()

Gets the medium blue Pen.

Value: The medium blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium blue Pen.


public static Pen getMediumOrchid()

Gets the medium orchid Pen.

Value: The medium orchid Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium orchid Pen.


public static Pen getMediumPurple()

Gets the medium purple Pen.

Value: The medium purple Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium purple Pen.


public static Pen getMediumSeaGreen()

Gets the medium sea green Pen.

Value: The medium sea green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium sea green Pen.


public static Pen getMediumSlateBlue()

Gets the medium slate blue Pen.

Value: The medium slate blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium slate blue Pen.


public static Pen getMediumSpringGreen()

Gets the medium spring green Pen.

Value: The medium spring green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium spring green Pen.


public static Pen getMediumTurquoise()

Gets the medium turquoise Pen.

Value: The medium turquoise Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium turquoise Pen.


public static Pen getMediumVioletRed()

Gets the medium violet red Pen.

Value: The medium violet red Pen.

Returns: Pen - the medium violet red Pen.


public static Pen getMidnightBlue()

Gets the midnight blue Pen.

Value: The midnight blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the midnight blue Pen.


public static Pen getMintCream()

Gets the mint cream Pen.

Value: The mint cream Pen.

Returns: Pen - the mint cream Pen.


public static Pen getMistyRose()

Gets the misty rose Pen.

Value: The misty rose Pen.

Returns: Pen - the misty rose Pen.


public static Pen getMoccasin()

Gets the moccasin Pen.

Value: The moccasin Pen.

Returns: Pen - the moccasin Pen.


public static Pen getNavajoWhite()

Gets the navajo white Pen.

Value: The navajo white Pen.

Returns: Pen - the navajo white Pen.


public static Pen getNavy()

Gets the navy Pen.

Value: The navy Pen.

Returns: Pen - the navy Pen.


public static Pen getOldLace()

Gets the old lace Pen.

Value: The old lace Pen.

Returns: Pen - the old lace Pen.


public static Pen getOlive()

Gets the olive Pen.

Value: The olive Pen.

Returns: Pen - the olive Pen.


public static Pen getOliveDrab()

Gets the olive drab Pen.

Value: The olive drab Pen.

Returns: Pen - the olive drab Pen.


public static Pen getOrange()

Gets the orange Pen.

Value: The orange Pen.

Returns: Pen - the orange Pen.


public static Pen getOrangeRed()

Gets the orange red Pen.

Value: The orange red Pen.

Returns: Pen - the orange red Pen.


public static Pen getOrchid()

Gets the orchid Pen.

Value: The orchid Pen.

Returns: Pen - the orchid Pen.


public static Pen getPaleGoldenrod()

Gets the pale goldenrod Pen.

Value: The pale goldenrod Pen.

Returns: Pen - the pale goldenrod Pen.


public static Pen getPaleGreen()

Gets the pale green Pen.

Value: The pale green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the pale green Pen.


public static Pen getPaleTurquoise()

Gets the pale turquoise Pen.

Value: The pale turquoise Pen.

Returns: Pen - the pale turquoise Pen.


public static Pen getPaleVioletRed()

Gets the pale violet red Pen.

Value: The pale violet red Pen.

Returns: Pen - the pale violet red Pen.


public static Pen getPapayaWhip()

Gets the papaya whip Pen.

Value: The papaya whip Pen.

Returns: Pen - the papaya whip Pen.


public static Pen getPeachPuff()

Gets the peach puff Pen.

Value: The peach puff Pen.

Returns: Pen - the peach puff Pen.


public static Pen getPeru()

Gets the peru Pen.

Value: The peru Pen.

Returns: Pen - the peru Pen.


public static Pen getPink()

Gets the pink Pen.

Value: The pink Pen.

Returns: Pen - the pink Pen.


public static Pen getPlum()

Gets the plum Pen.

Value: The plum Pen.

Returns: Pen - the plum Pen.


public static Pen getPowderBlue()

Gets the powder blue Pen.

Value: The powder blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the powder blue Pen.


public static Pen getPurple()

Gets the purple Pen.

Value: The purple Pen.

Returns: Pen - the purple Pen.


public static Pen getRed()

Gets the red Pen.

Value: The red Pen.

Returns: Pen - the red Pen.


public static Pen getRosyBrown()

Gets the rosy brown Pen.

Value: The rosy brown Pen.

Returns: Pen - the rosy brown Pen.


public static Pen getRoyalBlue()

Gets the royal blue Pen.

Value: The royal blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the royal blue Pen.


public static Pen getSaddleBrown()

Gets the saddle brown Pen.

Value: The saddle brown Pen.

Returns: Pen - the saddle brown Pen.


public static Pen getSalmon()

Gets the salmon Pen.

Value: The salmon Pen.

Returns: Pen - the salmon Pen.


public static Pen getSandyBrown()

Gets the sandy brown Pen.

Value: The sandy brown Pen.

Returns: Pen - the sandy brown Pen.


public static Pen getSeaGreen()

Gets the sea green Pen.

Value: The sea green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the sea green Pen.


public static Pen getSeaShell()

Gets the sea shell Pen.

Value: The sea shell Pen.

Returns: Pen - the sea shell Pen.


public static Pen getSienna()

Gets the sienna Pen.

Value: The sienna Pen.

Returns: Pen - the sienna Pen.


public static Pen getSilver()

Gets the silver Pen.

Value: The silver Pen.

Returns: Pen - the silver Pen.


public static Pen getSkyBlue()

Gets the sky blue Pen.

Value: The sky blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the sky blue Pen.


public static Pen getSlateBlue()

Gets the slate blue Pen.

Value: The slate blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the slate blue Pen.


public static Pen getSlateGray()

Gets the slate gray Pen.

Value: The slate gray Pen.

Returns: Pen - the slate gray Pen.


public static Pen getSnow()

Gets the snow Pen.

Value: The snow Pen.

Returns: Pen - the snow Pen.


public static Pen getSpringGreen()

Gets the spring green Pen.

Value: The spring green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the spring green Pen.


public static Pen getSteelBlue()

Gets the steel blue Pen.

Value: The steel blue Pen.

Returns: Pen - the steel blue Pen.


public static Pen getTan()

Gets the tan Pen.

Value: The tan Pen.

Returns: Pen - the tan Pen.


public static Pen getTeal()

Gets the teal Pen.

Value: The teal Pen.

Returns: Pen - the teal Pen.


public static Pen getThistle()

Gets the thistle Pen.

Value: The thistle Pen.

Returns: Pen - the thistle Pen.


public static Pen getTomato()

Gets the tomato Pen.

Value: The tomato Pen.

Returns: Pen - the tomato Pen.


public static Pen getTransparent()

Gets the transparent Pen.

Value: The transparent Pen.

Returns: Pen - the transparent Pen.


public static Pen getTurquoise()

Gets the turquoise Pen.

Value: The turquoise Pen.

Returns: Pen - the turquoise Pen.


public static Pen getViolet()

Gets the violet Pen.

Value: The violet Pen.

Returns: Pen - the violet Pen.


public static Pen getWheat()

Gets the wheat Pen.

Value: The wheat Pen.

Returns: Pen - the wheat Pen.


public static Pen getWhite()

Gets the white Pen.

Value: The white Pen.

Returns: Pen - the white Pen.


public static Pen getWhiteSmoke()

Gets the white smoke Pen.

Value: The white smoke Pen.

Returns: Pen - the white smoke Pen.


public static Pen getYellow()

Gets the yellow Pen.

Value: The yellow Pen.

Returns: Pen - the yellow Pen.


public static Pen getYellowGreen()

Gets the yellow green Pen.

Value: The yellow green Pen.

Returns: Pen - the yellow green Pen.