Enum InterpolationMode

InterpolationMode enumeration

The InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated.

public enum InterpolationMode


Invalid-1Equivalent to the Invalid element of the QualityMode enumeration.
Default0Specifies default mode.
Low1Specifies low quality interpolation.
High2Specifies high quality interpolation.
Bilinear3Specifies bilinear interpolation. No prefiltering is done. This mode is not suitable for shrinking an image below 50 percent of its original size.
Bicubic4Specifies bicubic interpolation. No prefiltering is done. This mode is not suitable for shrinking an image below 25 percent of its original size.
NearestNeighbor5Specifies nearest-neighbor interpolation.
HighQualityBilinear6Specifies high-quality, bilinear interpolation. Prefiltering is performed to ensure high-quality shrinking.
HighQualityBicubic7Specifies high-quality, bicubic interpolation. Prefiltering is performed to ensure high-quality shrinking. This mode produces the highest quality transformed images.

See Also