Class CustomLineCap

CustomLineCap class

Encapsulates a custom user-defined line cap.

public class CustomLineCap : ICloneable, IDisposable


CustomLineCap(GraphicsPath, GraphicsPath)Initializes a new instance of the CustomLineCap class with the specified outline and fill.
CustomLineCap(GraphicsPath, GraphicsPath, LineCap)Initializes a new instance of the CustomLineCap class from the specified existing LineCap enumeration with the specified outline and fill.
CustomLineCap(GraphicsPath, GraphicsPath, LineCap, float)Initializes a new instance of the CustomLineCap class from the specified existing LineCap enumeration with the specified outline, fill, and inset.


BaseCap { get; set; }Gets or sets the LineCap enumeration on which this CustomLineCap is based.
BaseInset { get; set; }Gets or sets the distance between the cap and the line.
StrokeJoin { get; set; }Gets or sets the LineJoin enumeration that determines how lines that compose this CustomLineCap object are joined.
WidthScale { get; set; }Gets or sets the amount by which to scale this CustomLineCap Class object with respect to the width of the Pen object.


Clone()Creates an exact copy of this CustomLineCap.
Dispose()Releases all resources used by this CustomLineCap object.
GetStrokeCaps(out LineCap, out LineCap)Gets the caps used to start and end lines that make up this custom cap.
SetStrokeCaps(LineCap, LineCap)Sets the caps used to start and end lines that make up this custom cap.

See Also