AllowedConferenceSolutionTypes | The types of conference solutions that are supported for this calendar. |
AlternateView | Represents the format to view a message. |
AlternateViewCollection | Represents a collection of AlternateView objects. |
AlternateViewRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the AlternateViewCollection.#AlternateViewRemovedDelegate event. |
AmpAccordion | A UI element that facilitates showing/hiding different sections. |
AmpAnim | A runtime-managed animated image, typically a GIF. |
AmpAttributes | Represents attributes used by the amp-components. |
AmpCarousel | Component allows displaying multiple similar pieces of content along a horizontal axis. |
AmpComponent | Base class to representation amp components. |
AmpFitText | Expands or shrinks its font size to fit the content within the space given to it. |
AmpForm | The amp-form extension allows you to create forms to submit input fields in an AMP document. |
AmpImage | |
AmpMessage | Message which allows senders to include AMP components inside emails. |
AmpTimeago | Provides fuzzy timestamps by formatting dates as “X time ago” |
Appender | Represents the base class for Appender. |
AppenderCollection | Represents the collecton for Appender objects. |
Appointment | Represents a calendar to an e-mail. |
AppointmentAction | Enumerates appointments methods |
AppointmentClass | Defines the access classification for the appointment. |
AppointmentFlags | Enumerates appointment flags. |
AppointmentFormattingOptions | Represents the appointment formatting options. |
AppointmentIcsSaveOptions | Represents iCalendar save options |
AppointmentLoadOptions | Represents appointment load options |
AppointmentMethodType | Defines the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar object. |
AppointmentMsgSaveOptions | Represents iCalendar save options |
AppointmentReminder | Provides a grouping of component properties that define an alarm. |
AppointmentReminderCollection | Contains collection of AppointmentReminder AppointmentReminderobjects. |
AppointmentSaveFormat | Enumerates AppointmentSaveFormat |
AppointmentSaveOptions | Represents base appointment save options |
AppointmentStatus | Defines the overall status or confirmation for the appointment. |
AppointmentTransparency | Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches. |
ArgumentNullExceptionEx | |
AsposeArgumentException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | The ArgumentException is thrown when an argument is null when it shouldn’t be. |
AsposeArgumentOutOfRangeException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is out of range. |
AsposeException | Base exception type for Aspose.Email Represents errors that occur during application execution. |
AsposeInvalidDataException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid. |
AsposeInvalidOperationException | Exception class for denoting an object was in a state that made calling a method illegal. |
AsposeNotSupportedException | The exception that is thrown when an invoked method or parameter is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality. |
AssociatedPerson | Describes organization which is associated with a person. |
AssociatedPersonCategory | Represents category for a persons |
AssociatedPersonsList | List of associated persons for a contact |
Attachment | Represents an e-mail attachment. |
AttachmentBase | Base class for mail attachment. |
AttachmentCollection | Represents a collection of e-mail message attachments. |
AttachmentPermissionType | The permission type data associated with a web reference attachment. |
AttachmentProviderType | The type of web service manipulating the attachment. |
BaseDataObject | Base class for google data objects. |
BodyContentType | The content type of message body. |
BoolComparisonField | Represents the boolean search field. |
BounceResult | Represents result of the message examination as a bounce message. |
BuildVersionInfo | Provides information about the current product name and version. |
ByDay | Represents Nth occurrence (or all occurrences) of the specified day of the week. |
ByDayCollection | Represents a collection of ByDay objects. |
ByNumberCollection | Represents a set of months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds in a recurrence rule. |
Calendar | A set of metadata, such as a description, for a single calendar. |
CalendarDay | Represents the day of the week. |
CalendarMonth | Represents a calendar month. |
CalendarReader | Allows read the calendar with multi events to the Appointment object from a file or stream. |
CalendarRecurrence | The main class, represents an iCalendar recurrence. |
CalendarRecurrencePattern | Represents a recurrence pattern. |
CalendarWriter | Allows write the set of Events in one ics file or stream. |
CanonicalizationType | Represents DKIM canonicalization. |
CarouselType | Specifies the display type for the carousel items. |
Color | |
Color.ColorType | |
ComparisonField | Base class that represents one search field. |
ConferenceProperties | Conferencing properties for this calendar. |
ConsoleAppender | Represents an appender for console output. |
Contact | Represents contact information. |
ContactFieldsSet | Enumerates the groups of Contact fields that will be included in resultant mhtml file. |
ContactLoadFormat | Enumerates contact load formats |
ContactPhoto | Represents contact photo. |
ContactQueryBuilder | Represents the builder of search expression that used by Exchange protocol. |
ContactSaveFormat | Enumerates contact save formats |
ContactSaveOptions | Represents the base contact save options |
ContentDisposition | Represents a Content-Disposition header. |
ContentType | Represents a Content-Type header. |
CurrentThreadSettings | Auxiliary class that allows to define default Locale for current thread |
CustomAttachmentStorage | Represents custom attachment storage. |
CustomerEvent | Represents an event. |
DKIMHashAlgorithm | Represents DKIM hash algorithm. |
DKIMSignatureInfo | Represents DKIM signature information. |
DSNAction | Indicates the action performed by the Reporting-MTA as a result of its attempt to deliver the message. |
DailyRecurrencePattern | Represents a recurrence pattern of daily recurrence type. |
DataColumn | DataColumn class. |
DataColumnCollection | DataColumnCollection class. |
DataColumnMapping | DataColumnMapping class. |
DataColumnMappingCollection | DataColumnMappingCollection class. |
DataRow | DataRow class. |
DataRowCollection | DataRowCollection class. |
DataTable | DataTable class. |
DateCollection | Represents a collection of java.util.Date values. |
DateComparisonField | Represents the date search field. |
DateComparisonType | Specifies a type of comparison |
DateRange | Represents the date range |
DateTimeListWrapper | |
DayOfWeek | |
DayPosition | Day positions, typically found in a month. |
DebugAppender | Represents an appender is only enabled when debugging. |
DebugFormatter | Represents the class for formatting log entry messages. |
DeliveryNotificationOptions | Specifies delivery notifications. |
DispositionTypeNames | Represents the disposition type names. |
DomainValidatingEventArgs | Provides data for the DomainValidating event. |
DomainValidatingEventHandler | Represents the event handler for DomainValidatingEvent. |
EmailAddress | Represents an email address |
EmailAddressCategory | Represents category for an email address |
EmailAddressList | List of email addresses for a contact |
EmlLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format. |
EmlSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Eml and Emlx format. |
EmlValidationError | Represents the eml validation error information. |
EmlValidationErrorCollection | Represents the collection of EmlValidationError |
EmlValidationErrorType | Enumerates the types of the eml validation errors. |
EmlxLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format. |
EndType | Specifies how the recurrence rule ends. |
EventCategory | Represents category for an event |
EventList | List of events for a contact |
ExceptionManager | Provides the ability to ignore exceptions. |
ExchangeTask | Represents the exchange task information. |
ExchangeTaskStatus | Enumerates the task statuses. |
FailedMailMessageEventArgs | Provides data for the MessageSending and MessageSent events. |
FailureItem | Indicates the item type that retrieval failed during the traversal. |
FailureType | Indicates the failure type. |
FileAppender | Reprensents a file appender. |
FileAsMapping | Specifies how to generate and recompute the value of the dispidFileAs property when other contact name properties change. |
FileCompatibilityMode | Defines inner conversions, that are necessarily to be done when loading or saving a message. |
FileCorruptedException | Exception that is thrown during file reading, when the file appears to be corrupted and impossible to read. |
FileFormat | Specifies the file format used to store messages, calendar events, and other items. |
FileFormatInfo | Contains data returned by FileFormatUtil file format detection methods. |
FileFormatType | Enumerates file format types. |
FileFormatUtil | Provides utility methods to detect file type. |
FileFormatVersion | Represents version of file. |
FolderInfo | Represents information about personal folder in PST. |
FolderInfoCollection | Represents collection of FolderInfo. |
FolderKind | Represents the different kinds of pst folders. |
FollowUpManager | Provides the ability to set and handle follow-up Outlook flags and categories. |
FollowUpOptions | Represents options for using follow-up flags and reminders in a message. |
FormField | Describe one field of form. |
FormMethod | The method tells the server about the request method. |
FormTarget | Indicates where to display the form response after submitting the form. |
FormatNotSupportedException | Exception that is thrown during document load, when the document format is not recognized or not supported by the component. |
Formatter | Represents the interface for formatting log entry messsages. |
ForwardMessageBuilder | Provides creation and formatting the forwarding messages. |
Frequency | Specifies frequency of the recurrence rule. |
Gender | Enum defines gender of a person |
GlobalFormattingOptions | Class that allow to set some formatting options for all newly created instances of this options. |
HeaderCollection | Defines the collection of header fields |
HeaderList | Colection with name of headers that are included in the DKIM signature. |
HeaderType | Represents the Internet standards and RFCs define header fields which may occur on Internet Mail Messages . |
HeadersFormattingOptions | Allows to specify headers formatting options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml or Html format. |
HtmlFormatOptions | Enumerates the Html format options. |
HtmlLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Html format. |
HtmlSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Html format. |
IDataReader | IDataReader class |
IcsSaveOptions | Represents iCalendar save options |
InlineAttachmentExtractor | Provides ability to extract files from MSO packages. |
InstantMessengerAddress | Represents an instant messanger address. |
InstantMessengerCategory | Represents category for an instant messenger address |
InstantMessengerList | List of instant messenger addresses for a contact. |
IntComparisonField | Represents the integer search field. |
ItemMovedEventArgs | Provides data for the FolderInfo.#ItemMovedDelegate event |
ItemMovedEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle an FolderInfo.#ItemMovedDelegate event. |
KnownColor | |
KnownColors | |
KnownPropertyList | The read-only Master Property List provides implementers with a single source of information about all the properties that are described by the specifications that comprise the Exchange Server Protocols documentation (MS-OXPROPS). |
KnownPropertySets | [MS-OXCDATA]: Commonly Used Property Sets |
LayoutType | The layout attribute gives you easy, per-element control over how your element should render on screen. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
LinkedResource | Represents an embedded resource in a message. |
LinkedResourceCollection | Represents a collection of LinkedResource objects |
LinkedResourceRemovedEventArgs | |
LoadOptions | This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when loading a MailMessage from a particular format. |
LocaleOptions | LocaleOptions type specifies locale configuration for Aspose.Email. |
LogEntry | Represents a log message. |
LogLevel | Defines available log levels. |
Logger | Provides the logging functionality. |
MSBusyStatus | Specifies the BUSY status of an appointment. |
MSImportance | Specifies the importance of an appointment. |
MSIntendedStatus | Specifies the INTENDED status of an appointment. |
MailAddress | Represents the address of a message. |
MailAddressCollection | Represents a collection of MailAddress objects. |
MailConversionOptions | Specify additional options when converting from MapiMessage to MailMessage. |
MailException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the mail message processing. |
MailMessage | Represents an e-mail message. |
MailMessageCollection | Represents a collection of MailMessage objects. |
MailMessageEventArgs | Provides data for the MessageSending and MessageSent events. |
MailMessageSaveType | Represents the mail message format.It can be in eml,msg or mhtml format. |
MailQuery | Represents the search criteria, that are used to match several message properties in the mailbox. |
MailQueryBuilder | Represents the builder of search expression. |
MailServerValidatingEventArgs | Provides data for the MailServerValidatingEvent event. |
MailServerValidatingEventHandler | Represents the event handler for MailServerValidatingEvent. |
MailStorageConverter | Mail storage converter provides services for storage conversion operations. |
MailStorageConverter.MailHandler | Represents the method that will handle an event that occurs after successfully reading a message from the Mbox and before adding it to Pst. |
MailboxConverter | Provides mailbox conversion routines. |
MailboxInfo | Represents identification information about message in a mailbox. |
MapiAttachment | Represents the attachment in the E-mail message. |
MapiAttachmentCollection | Represents a collection of MapiAttachment objects. |
MapiAttachmentPropertyStream | Represents the property stream of attachment object. |
MapiCalendar | Represents the mapi calendar object |
MapiCalendarAttendees | Represents the mapi calendar attendees |
MapiCalendarBusyStatus | Enumerates the mapi calendar possible busy status |
MapiCalendarDailyRecurrencePattern | Represents the daily recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar |
MapiCalendarDayOfWeek | Enumerates the days of week of the mapi calendar recurrence pattern |
MapiCalendarEventRecurrence | Represents the recurrence properties of calendar object |
MapiCalendarExceptionInfo | An exception specifies changes to an instance of a recurring series. |
MapiCalendarIcsSaveOptions | |
MapiCalendarMonthlyNthRecurrencePattern | Represents the monthly nth recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar |
MapiCalendarMonthlyRecurrencePattern | Represents the monthly recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar |
MapiCalendarMsgSaveOptions | |
MapiCalendarOverrideFlags | Specifies what data in the MapiCalendarOverrideFlags structure has a value different from the recurring series. |
MapiCalendarRecurrenceCalendarType | Enumerated the calendar type of the mapi recurrence |
MapiCalendarRecurrenceEndType | Enumerates the ending type for the recurrence. |
MapiCalendarRecurrenceFrequency | Enumerates mapi calendar recurrence frequency |
MapiCalendarRecurrencePattern | Represents the mapi recurrence pattern |
MapiCalendarRecurrencePatternFactory | Represents the factory of MapiCalendarRecurrencePattern |
MapiCalendarRecurrencePatternType | Enumerates the mapi calendar recurrence pattern types |
MapiCalendarSaveOptions | |
MapiCalendarState | Enumerates the appointment state |
MapiCalendarTimeZone | Represents the mapi calendar time zone information |
MapiCalendarTimeZoneFlags | Enumerates the individual bit flags that specify information about TimeZoneRule |
MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo | Represents the mapi calendar time zone rule |
MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfoCollection | Represents a collection of MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo |
MapiCalendarTimeZoneRule | Represents time zone rule that indicate when to begin using the Standard/Daylight time. |
MapiCalendarWeeklyRecurrencePattern | Represents the weekly recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar |
MapiCalendarYearlyAndMonthlyRecurrencePattern | Represents the yearly and monthly recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar |
MapiContact | Represents outlook contact information |
MapiContactElectronicAddress | Refers to the group of properties that define the e-mail address or fax address for a contact. |
MapiContactElectronicAddressPropertySet | Specify properties for up to three different e-mail addresses (Email1, Email2, and Email3) and three different fax addresses (Primary Fax, Business Fax, and Home Fax) |
MapiContactEventPropertySet | Specify events associated with a contact |
MapiContactGender | Gender of the contact |
MapiContactNamePropertySet | The properties are used to specify the name of the person represented by the contact |
MapiContactOtherPropertySet | The properties are used to specify additional properies of contact. |
MapiContactPersonalInfoPropertySet | Specify other additional contact information |
MapiContactPhoto | Contains data and type of contact’s photo. |
MapiContactPhotoImageFormat | Enumerates MapiContact photo image format. |
MapiContactPhysicalAddress | Refers to the group of properties that define physical address for a contact. |
MapiContactPhysicalAddressPropertySet | Specify three physical addresses: Home Address, Work Address, and Other Address. |
MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet | Properties are used to store professional details for the person represented by the contact |
MapiContactSaveOptions | Specifies the contact save options. |
MapiContactTelephonePropertySet | Specify optional telephone numbers for the contact |
MapiConversionOptions | This class allows the user to specify additional options when converting from MailMessage to MapiMessage. |
MapiDistributionList | Represents the Personal Distribution List object. |
MapiDistributionListContactAddressType | Represents the address type of a personal distribution list member. |
MapiDistributionListEntryIdType | Specifies the type of EntryID. |
MapiDistributionListMember | Represents the members of the personal distribution list. |
MapiDistributionListMemberCollection | Represents a collection of MapiDistributionListMember objects. |
MapiElectronicAddress | Refers to the group of properties that define the e-mail address or fax address. |
MapiGuidConstants | Contains several guid constants defined by MSG format specification. |
MapiImportance | Contains a values that indicates the message importance. |
MapiJournal | Represents the Outlook Journal object. |
MapiJournalDocumentStatus | Indicates the status of document. |
MapiJournalFlags | Contains metadata about the Journal object. |
MapiMessage | Represents an Outlook Message format document that can be parsed. |
MapiMessageFlags | MapiMessageFlags. |
MapiMessageItemBase | Represents the base class for all MapiMessageItem classes and keeps common collections of mapi properties, attachments, recipients. |
MapiMessageParseException | This exception is thrown when errors occur in parsing MapiMessage. |
MapiMessagePropertyStream | Represents the property stream. |
MapiMessageReader | Represents a reader that can read a Microsoft Outlook Message format document. |
MapiNamedProperty | Represents the data type of Named Property. |
MapiNamedPropertyMappingStorage | Represents the named property mapping |
MapiNote | Represents outlook Note object (“sticky note”) |
MapiObjectProperty | Represents a Custom object included in Outlook Message documents. |
MapiObjectType | Represents the mapi object type. |
MapiProperty | Represents the mapi property. |
MapiPropertyCollection | Represents the collection of MapiProperty items. |
MapiPropertyContainer | Represents the base class for MapiAttachment, MapiRecipient, MapiMessage. |
MapiPropertyFlags | Represents flags which can be set on a MAPI property. |
MapiPropertyStream | Represents the property stream. |
MapiPropertyTag | Represents the MAPI property tags definition. |
MapiPropertyType | Represents the data type of MapiProperty data. |
MapiRecipient | Represents the recipient information in the Microsoft Outlook Message. |
MapiRecipientCollection | Represents a collection of MapiRecipient objects. |
MapiRecipientPropertyStream | Represents the property stream of recipient object. |
MapiRecipientTrackStatus | Represents the response status returned by the attendee. |
MapiRecipientType | Represent the PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE property which contains the recipient type for a message recipient. |
MapiSensitivity | Contains a values that indicates the message sensitivity. |
MapiTask | Represents the Outlook Task object. |
MapiTaskAcceptanceState | Indicates the acceptance state of the task. |
MapiTaskFlags | Contains indication flags of the Task object. |
MapiTaskHistory | Indicates the type of change that was last made to the Task object. |
MapiTaskMode | Represents the assignment statuses of the task object. |
MapiTaskOwnership | Indicates the role of the current user relative to the Task object. |
MapiTaskPriority | Represents the priority on the task. |
MapiTaskState | Indicates the assignment state of the Task object. |
MapiTaskStatus | Represents the statuses of the user’s progress on the task. |
MapiTaskUsers | Represents information about task users. |
MapiType | Contains possible MAPI property types which can be stored with message object. |
MboxLoadOptions | Specifies additional options when loading a Mbox storage. |
MboxStorageReader | A base class for any mbox-based mail storage reader. |
MboxStorageWriter | A base class for any mbox-based mail storage writer. |
MboxoStorageReader | Represents mboxo format storage reader, this format is being used by Eudora. |
MboxrdStorageReader | Represents mboxrd format storage reader, this format is being used by Thunderbird and other mail clients. |
MboxrdStorageWriter | Represents mboxrd format storage writer, this format is being used by Thunderbird and other mail clients. |
MediaTypeNames | Specifies the media type names for an e-mail message. |
MediaTypeNames.Application | Specifies the kind of application data in an e-mail message attachment. |
MediaTypeNames.Image | Specifies the type of image data in an e-mail message attachment. |
MediaTypeNames.Text | Specifies the type of text data in an e-mail message attachment. |
MessageAcceptanceCallback | Callback function which is being called during the conversion process. |
MessageAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the FolderInfo.#MessageAddedDelegate event |
MessageAddedEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle an FolderInfo.#MessageAddedDelegate event. |
MessageFormat | Represents the mail message format.It can be in eml,msg or mhtml format. |
MessageInfo | Represents information about message in PST. |
MessageInfoCollection | Represents the collection of MessageInfo. |
MessageKind | Represents the different kinds of messages in pst. |
MessageObject | Represents an Outlook message object. |
MessageObjectAttachmentEntity | Represents an attachment entity. |
MessageObjectAttachmentsCollection | Represents a collection for MessageObjectAttachmentEntity objects. |
MessageObjectLoadFormat | Represents available formats MessageObject could be loaded from. |
MessageObjectPropertiesCollection | Represents a keyed collection for MessageObjectProperty objects. |
MessageObjectProperty | Represents a property on a MessageObject. |
MessageObjectRecipientEntity | Represens a recipient entry in message object. |
MessageObjectRecipientsCollection | Represents a collection for MessageObjectRecipientEntity objects. |
MessageObjectSaveFormat | Represents available formats MessageObject could be saved to. |
MessageStore | Message store is the root of the PST, which is the rough equivalent of the top of a Mailbox. |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
MhtFormatOptions | Enumerates the Mht format options |
MhtSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml format. |
MhtTemplateName | Defines well known names of headers for Mhtml formatting. |
MhtTemplateName.Contact | Defines well known names of headers of Contact for Mhtml formatting. |
MhtTemplateName.Task | Defines well known names of headers of Task for Mhtml formatting. |
MhtmlLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Mhtml format. |
MimeException | Provides information about MIME errors |
MonthlyRecurrencePattern | Represents a recurrence pattern of monthly recurrence type. |
MsgLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Msg format. |
MsgSaveOptions | This class allows the user to specify additional settings when saving a MailMessage in the Msg(ASCII) and Msg(Unicode) format. |
NamedPropertyKind | Identifies MessageObjectProperty kind. |
NoteColor | Specifies the suggested background color of the Note object |
NoteSaveFormat | Enumerates NoteSaveFormat |
NotesStorageFacility | The Notes Storage Facility (NSF) database file is used by (IBM) Lotus Notes and Domino to store different kind of objects like e-mail, appointments and documents, but also application forms and views. |
NsfLoadOptions | Specifies additional options when loading a NSF storage. |
NullAppender | Represents a do-nothing appender. |
OAuthToken | Contains OAuth token data such like token value, token type, expiration date. |
ObjectIdentifier | Contains object identification information |
OleDocumentFormat | Represents the format for OLE document. |
OlmFolder | Represents folder information in OLM storage. |
OlmMessageInfo | Represents an information about message in the OLM storage. |
OlmStorage | Represents Outlook for Mac storage (.OLM) file. |
OriginalMessageAdditionMode | Way to include the original message in response message. |
OutlookMessageFormat | Represents outlook message format. |
ParticipationStatus | Identifies the participation status for the calendar user. |
PemReader | PEM format reader. |
PersonalStorage | Represents Personal Storage Table (.pst) file. |
PersonalStorageLoadOptions | Specifies additional options when loading a PST storage. |
PersonalStorageQueryBuilder | Represents the builder of search expression that used by pst. |
PhoneNumber | Represents a phone number. |
PhoneNumberCategory | Represents category for a phone number |
PhoneNumberList | List of phone numbers for a contact. |
PidLidPropertyDescriptor | Class contains property description information. |
PidNamePropertyDescriptor | Class contains property description information. |
PidTagPropertyDescriptor | Class contains property description information. |
PostalAddress | Represents a postal address. |
PostalAddressCategory | Represents category for a postal address |
PostalAddressList | List of postal addresses for a contact. |
ProgressEventHandlerInfo | This class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external applicatuion to show conversion progress to end user. |
ProgressEventType | Type of progress event that occured. |
PropertyDataType | [MS-OXCDATA]: Data Structures |
PropertyDescriptor | Class contains property description information. |
QueryField | Base class for query fields. |
RecurrencePattern | Represents a recurrence pattern. |
RecurrenceRule | Represents one recurrence or exception rule in a recurrence pattern. |
RecurrenceRuleCollection | Represents a collection of RecurrenceRule objects. |
ReferenceAttachment | This class represents a reference attachment |
ReminderAction | Defines the action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered. |
ReminderAttachment | Provides the capability to associate a document object with an alarm. |
ReminderAttachmentCollection | Contains collection of ReminderAttachment ReminderAttachmentobjects. |
ReminderAttendee | Defines an “Attendee” within a alarm. |
ReminderAttendeeCollection | Contains collection of ReminderAttendee ReminderAttendeeobjects. |
ReminderDuration | Used to identify properties that contain a duration of time. |
ReminderRelated | Specify the relationship of the alarm trigger with respect to the start or end of the event. |
ReminderTrigger | Specifies when an alarm will trigger. |
ReplyMessageBuilder | Provides creation and formatting the replying messages. |
ResourceHtmlRenderingEventArgs | Represents additional parameters for ResourceHtmlRendering event. |
ResourceHtmlRenderingHandler | Provides customization of rendering resources in html. |
ResourceRenderingMode | Provides set various modes of rendering resources in html. |
ResponseMessageBuilder | Provides creation and formatting the forwarding and replying messages. |
SaveOptions | This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a MailMessage into a particular format. |
SaveResourceHandler | Represents the handler for HtmlSaveOptions.SaveResourceHandler |
SaveResult | Represents the result of saving the retrieved item. |
SaveStatus | Represents the status of saving the retrieved message. |
SearchItemType | Provides the item type values to limit search results to only a specific type of item. |
Section | Element of AmpAccordion. |
SectionHeader | Represents the heading for the section |
SectionHeaderType | Represents the type of heading for the section. |
SectionValue | Represents the content of the section. |
SimpleFormatter | Represents the default implementation of IFormatter interface. |
SpamAnalyzer | Class which allows applications to detect spam e-mails with self-learning Bayesian filter. |
StandardFormatter | Represents the class for formatting log entry messsages. |
StandardIpmFolder | Represents a standard interpersonal message (IPM) folders. |
StorageProcessedEventArgs | Provides data for the PersonalStorage.#StorageProcessedDelegate event |
StorageProcessedEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle an PersonalStorage.#StorageProcessedDelegate event. |
StringComparisonField | Represents the string search field. |
SyntaxValidatingEventArgs | Provides data for the SyntaxValidating event. |
SyntaxValidatingEventHandler | Represents the event handler for SyntaxValidatingEvent. |
TIPMethod | Defines the iTIP (iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol) methods associated with an object. |
Task | Represents the exchange task information. |
TaskSaveFormat | Enumerates TaskSaveFormat |
TemplateEngine | This class uses specified template to construct E-Mail messages. |
TemplateRoutine | Represents the routine used in the template file. |
TextFormat | Defines format of a text. |
TgzReader | The mailbox items reader of Zimbra tgz storage. |
TimeoutReachedHandler | Raised if timed out while saving. |
TnefLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Tnef format. |
TokenType | Defines OAuth token types |
TrackingStringDictionary | |
TransferEncoding | Specifies the Content-Transfer-Encoding header information. |
TraversalAsposeException | Represents the exception that can occur when traversing a storage. |
TraversalExceptionsCallback | Represents the callback method that handles the exceptions during storage traversal. |
TraversalFailureKind | Represents the kind of failure that can occur when traversing a storage. |
Url | Objects represents a URL and its category. |
UrlCategory | Represents category for a URL |
UrlList | List of urls for contact |
VCardAgent | Represents a vCard Agent property |
VCardContact | Represents a vCard contact |
VCardDeliveryAddress | Represents a vCard delivery address |
VCardDeliveryAddressCollection | Represents a collection of VCardDeliveryAddresses |
VCardDeliveryAddressType | Enumerates a vCard delivery address types |
VCardEmail | Represents vCard email |
VCardEmailCollection | Represents a collection of VCardEmails |
VCardEmailType | Enumerates vCard email types |
VCardExplanatoryInfo | Represents vCard explanatory properties |
VCardFullName | Represents vCard contact full name (N property) |
VCardGeo | Represents a global positioning of vCard contact |
VCardIdentificationInfo | Represents vCard identification information |
VCardLabel | To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents. |
VCardLabelCollection | Represents a collection of VCardLabel |
VCardOrganization | Represents vCard organization properties |
VCardPhoto | Represents vCard photo property |
VCardPhotoType | Enumerates vCard photo type |
VCardSaveOptions | Represents vCard save options |
VCardSecurity | Represents a vCard security properties |
VCardSound | Represents a vCard sound property |
VCardSoundType | Enumerates a cVard sound types |
VCardTelephoneNumber | Represents a vCard telephone number |
VCardTelephoneNumberCollection | Represents a collection of VCardTelephoneNumbers |
VCardTelephoneType | Enumerates a vCard telephone types |
VCardUrl | Represents a vCard URL property |
VCardUrlCollection | Represents a collection of VCardUrls |
VCardUrlType | Enumerates url type |
VCardValueLocation | Enumerates the vCard property parameter ValueLocation. |
VCardVersion | Enumerates vCard version |
ValidationResponseCode | Represents the response status of the mail validating process. |
ValidationResult | Present the result of the email validating process. |
WebDavContactSaveOptions | Specifies the contact save options. |
WeeklyRecurrencePattern | Represents a recurrence pattern of weekly recurrence type. |
XMLStreamWriterWrapper | |
YearlyRecurrencePattern | Represents a recurrence pattern of yearly recurrence type. |