
Appointment(string, DateTime, DateTime, MailAddress, MailAddressCollection)

Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.

public Appointment(string location, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, MailAddress organizer, 
    MailAddressCollection attendees)
locationStringThe location of the calendar event.
startDateDateTimeThe start time of the calendar event.
endDateDateTimeThe end time of the calendar event.
organizerMailAddressThe organizer of the calendar event.
attendeesMailAddressCollectionThe attendees of th calendar event.

See Also

Appointment(string, string, string, DateTime, DateTime, MailAddress, MailAddressCollection)

Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.

public Appointment(string location, string summary, string description, DateTime startDate, 
    DateTime endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees)
locationStringThe location of the calendar event.
summaryStringThe summary of the calendar event.
descriptionStringThe description of the calendar event.
startDateDateTimeThe start time of the calendar event.
endDateDateTimeThe end time of the calendar event.
organizerMailAddressThe organizer of the calendar event.
attendeesMailAddressCollectionThe attendees of th calendar event.

See Also

Appointment(string, string, string, DateTime, DateTime, MailAddress, MailAddressCollection, string)

Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.

public Appointment(string location, string summary, string description, DateTime startDate, 
    DateTime endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, string uid)
locationStringThe location of the calendar event.
summaryStringThe summary of the calendar event.
descriptionStringThe description of the calendar event.
startDateDateTimeThe start time of the calendar event.
endDateDateTimeThe end time of the calendar event.
organizerMailAddressThe organizer of the calendar event.
attendeesMailAddressCollectionThe attendees of th calendar event.
uidStringThe unique identifier of th calendar event.

See Also

Appointment(string, string, string, DateTime, DateTime, MailAddress, MailAddressCollection, RecurrencePattern)

Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.

public Appointment(string location, string summary, string description, DateTime startDate, 
    DateTime endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, 
    RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern)
locationStringThe location of the calendar event.
summaryStringThe summary of the calendar event.
descriptionStringThe description of the calendar event.
startDateDateTimeThe start time of the calendar event.
endDateDateTimeThe end time of the calendar event.
organizerMailAddressThe organizer of the calendar event.
attendeesMailAddressCollectionThe attendees of th calendar event.
recurrencePatternRecurrencePatternThe recurrence pattern.

See Also

Appointment(string, string, string, DateTime, DateTime, MailAddress, MailAddressCollection, string, RecurrencePattern)

Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.

public Appointment(string location, string summary, string description, DateTime startDate, 
    DateTime endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, string uid, 
    RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern)
locationStringThe location of the calendar event.
summaryStringThe summary of the calendar event.
descriptionStringThe description of the calendar event.
startDateDateTimeThe start time of the calendar event.
endDateDateTimeThe end time of the calendar event.
organizerMailAddressThe organizer of the calendar event.
attendeesMailAddressCollectionThe attendees of th calendar event.
uidStringThe unique identifier of th calendar event.
recurrencePatternRecurrencePatternThe recurrence pattern.

See Also