
AutodiscoverResult(CultureInfo, string, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the AutodiscoverResult class.

public AutodiscoverResult(CultureInfo culture, string displayName, string emailAddress, 
    string redirect)
Parameter Type Description
culture CultureInfo Specifies the client culture, which is used to localize error messages.
displayName String Contains the user’s display name in the directory service.
emailAddress String Contains the SMTP email address of the user and is used to identify the user’s mailbox in the network.
redirect String Specifies the SMTP address of the requested user.

See Also

AutodiscoverResult(CultureInfo, string, string, ServerInfo[])

Initializes a new instance of the AutodiscoverResult class.

public AutodiscoverResult(CultureInfo culture, string displayName, string emailAddress, 
    ServerInfo[] servers)
Parameter Type Description
culture CultureInfo Specifies the client culture, which is used to localize error messages.
displayName String Contains the user’s display name in the directory service.
emailAddress String Contains the SMTP email address of the user and is used to identify the user’s mailbox in the network.
servers ServerInfo[] Contains array of server settings

See Also

AutodiscoverResult(CultureInfo, string, string, string, ServerInfo[])

Initializes a new instance of the AutodiscoverResult class.

public AutodiscoverResult(CultureInfo culture, string displayName, string emailAddress, 
    string redirect, ServerInfo[] servers)
Parameter Type Description
culture CultureInfo Specifies the client culture, which is used to localize error messages.
displayName String Contains the user’s display name in the directory service.
emailAddress String Contains the SMTP email address of the user and is used to identify the user’s mailbox in the network.
redirect String Specifies the SMTP address of the requested user.
servers ServerInfo[] Contains array of server settings

See Also