
FolderHierarchy enumeration

FolderHierarchy namespace of the ActiveSync protocol

public enum FolderHierarchy


Name Value Description
DisplayName 7 Specifies the name of the folder that is shown to the user.
ServerId 8 Identifies a folder on a server.
ParentId 9 Specifies the server ID of the parent folder of the folder on the server
Type 10 Specifies the type of the folder to be created.
Status 12 Indicates the reason for the failure of a command request.
Changes 14 Contains changes to the folder hierarchy.
Add 15 Creates a new folder on the client
Delete 16 Specifies that a folder on the server was deleted since the last folder synchronization.
Update 17 Identifies a folder on the server that has been updated (renamed or moved).
SyncKey 18 It is used by the server to track the current state of the client.
FolderCreate 19 The FolderCreate element is a required element in FolderCreate command requests and FolderCreate command responses that identifies the body of the HTTP POST as containing a FolderCreate command (section
FolderDelete 20 The FolderDelete element is a required element in FolderDelete command requests and FolderDelete command responses that identifies the body of the HTTP POST as containing a FolderDelete command (section
FolderUpdate 21 The FolderUpdate element is a required element in FolderUpdate command requests and FolderUpdate command responses that identifies the body of the HTTP POST as containing a FolderUpdate command (section
FolderSync 22 The FolderSync element is a required element in FolderSync command requests and FolderSync command responses that identifies the body of the HTTP POST as containing a FolderSync command (section
Count 23 Specifies the number of added, deleted, and updated folders on the server since the last folder synchronization.

See Also