Class ExchangeMetadata

ExchangeMetadata class

Exchange metadata in DLP events

public class ExchangeMetadata


ExchangeMetadata()The default constructor.


BCC { get; set; }A collection of email addresses that were on the BCC line of the message. Mandatory: No
CC { get; set; }A collection of email addresses that were on the CC line of the message. Mandatory: Yes
From { get; set; }The user who sent the email. Mandatory: Yes
MessageID { get; set; }The message ID of the email that triggered the event. Mandatory: Yes
RecipientCount { get; set; }The total number of all recipients on the TO, CC, and BCC lines of the message. Mandatory: Yes
Sent { get; set; }The time in UTC of when the email was sent. Mandatory: Yes
Subject { get; set; }Suject of the email message. Mandatory: No
To { get; set; }A collection of email addresses that were on the To line of the message. Mandatory: No

See Also