Enum CalendarRoleType

CalendarRoleType enumeration

Represent sharing or delegating permission levels for the calendar.

public enum CalendarRoleType


None0Calendar isn’t shared with the user.
FreeBusyRead1User is a recipient who can view free/busy status of the owner on the calendar.
LimitedRead2User is a recipient who can view free/busy status, and titles and locations of the events on the calendar.
Read3User is a recipient who can view all the details of the events on the calendar, except for the owner’s private events.
Write4User is a recipient who can view all the details (except for private events) and edit events on the calendar.
DelegateWithoutPrivateEventAccess5User is a delegate who has write access but can’t view information of the owner’s private events on the calendar.
DelegateWithPrivateEventAccess6User is a delegate who has write access and can view information of the owner’s private events on the calendar.
Custom7User has custom permissions to the calendar.

See Also