

Initializes a new instance of the OutlookCategory class.

public OutlookCategory()

See Also

OutlookCategory(string, CategoryPreset)

Initializes a new instance of the OutlookCategory class.

public OutlookCategory(string displayName, CategoryPreset preset)
displayNameStringA unique name that identifies a category in the user’s mailbox.
presetCategoryPresetpre-set color constant that characterizes a category, and that is mapped to one of 25 predefined colors

See Also

OutlookCategory(string, string, CategoryPreset)

Initializes a new instance of the OutlookCategory class.

public OutlookCategory(string itemId, string displayName, CategoryPreset preset)
itemIdStringItem id
displayNameStringA unique name that identifies a category in the user’s mailbox.
presetCategoryPresetpre-set color constant that characterizes a category, and that is mapped to one of 25 predefined colors

See Also