RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, IEnumerable<int>, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, IEnumerable<int> sequenceSet,
ImapMessageFlags flags, long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
sequenceSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of sequence numbers for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | SequenceSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo>, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo> messageInfoSet, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageInfoSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of ImapMessageInfo |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo>, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo> messageInfoSet,
ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
messageInfoSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of ImapMessageInfo |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo>, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo> messageInfoSet, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageInfoSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of ImapMessageInfo |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo>, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, IEnumerable<ImapMessageInfo> messageInfoSet,
ImapMessageFlags flags, long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
messageInfoSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of ImapMessageInfo |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, int, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, int sequenceNumber, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
sequenceNumber | Int32 | The sequence number of the message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, string, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, string uniqueId, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
uniqueId | String | Unique identifier of a message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(int, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(int sequenceNumber, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sequenceNumber | Int32 | The sequence number of the message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(string, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(string uniqueId, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
uniqueId | String | Unique identifier of a message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, int, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, int sequenceNumber, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
sequenceNumber | Int32 | The sequence number of the message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, string, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, string uniqueId, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
uniqueId | String | Unique identifier of a message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(int, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(int sequenceNumber, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sequenceNumber | Int32 | The sequence number of the message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(string, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(string uniqueId, ImapMessageFlags flags, long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
uniqueId | String | Unique identifier of a message |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be added |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(string, string, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(string startUid, string endUid, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
startUid | String | The starting UID of a message list |
endUid | String | The ending UID of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(int, int, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(int startSequence, int endSequence, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
startSequence | Int32 | The starting sequence number of a message list |
endSequence | Int32 | The ending sequence number of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, string, string, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, string startUid, string endUid,
ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
startUid | String | The starting UID of a message list |
endUid | String | The ending UID of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, int, int, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, int startSequence, int endSequence,
ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
startSequence | Int32 | The starting sequence number of a message list |
endSequence | Int32 | The ending sequence number of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(string, string, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(string startUid, string endUid, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
startUid | String | The starting UID of a message list |
endUid | String | The ending UID of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(int, int, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(int startSequence, int endSequence, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
startSequence | Int32 | The starting sequence number of a message list |
endSequence | Int32 | The ending sequence number of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, string, string, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, string startUid, string endUid,
ImapMessageFlags flags, long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
startUid | String | The starting UID of a message list |
endUid | String | The ending UID of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, int, int, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, int startSequence, int endSequence,
ImapMessageFlags flags, long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
startSequence | Int32 | The starting sequence number of a message list |
endSequence | Int32 | The ending sequence number of a message list |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<string>, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<string> uidSet, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
uidSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of UID for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | UidSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<int>, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<int> sequenceSet, ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sequenceSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of sequence numbers for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | SequenceSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, IEnumerable<string>, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, IEnumerable<string> uidSet,
ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
uidSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of UID for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | UidSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, IEnumerable<int>, ImapMessageFlags)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, IEnumerable<int> sequenceSet,
ImapMessageFlags flags)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
sequenceSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of sequence numbers for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | SequenceSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<string>, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<string> uidSet, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
uidSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of UID for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | UidSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<int>, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IEnumerable<int> sequenceSet, ImapMessageFlags flags,
long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sequenceSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of sequence numbers for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be removed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | SequenceSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also
RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection, IEnumerable<string>, ImapMessageFlags, long)
Removes the flags of the message
public void RemoveMessageFlags(IConnection connection, IEnumerable<string> uidSet,
ImapMessageFlags flags, long modificationSequence)
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | IConnection | Connection to a server |
uidSet | IEnumerable`1 | The set of set of UID for messages |
flags | ImapMessageFlags | The flags to be changed |
modificationSequence | Int64 | Modification sequence. Please, read more |
exception | condition |
ArgumentException | UidSet should not be null or empty. |
See Also