Enum MapiRecipientType

MapiRecipientType enumeration

Represent the PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE property which contains the recipient type for a message recipient.

public enum MapiRecipientType


MAPI_BCC3The recipient is a blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient. Primary and carbon copy recipients are unaware of the existence of BCC recipients.
MAPI_CC2The recipient is a carbon copy (CC) recipient, a recipient that receives a message in addition to the primary recipients.
MAPI_P1268435456The recipient did not successfully receive the message on the previous attempt. This is a resend of an earlier transmission.
MAPI_SUBMITTED-2147483648The recipient has already received the message and does not need to receive it again. This is a resend of an earlier transmission. This flag is set in conjunction with the MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, and MAPI_BCC values.
MAPI_TO1The recipient is a primary (To) recipient. Clients are required to handle primary recipients; all other types are optional.

See Also