Class EmailAddressCategory

EmailAddressCategory class

Represents category for an email address

public class EmailAddressCategory : IEquatable<EmailAddressCategory>


EmailAddressCategory(string)Initializes a new instance of the EmailAddressCategory class with ‘Custom’ category.


static Custom { get; }Custom category
static Email { get; }Email category. Used by MS Exchange server.
static Email1 { get; }Email1 category. Used by MS Exchange server.
static Email2 { get; }Email2 category. Used by MS Exchange server.
static Email3 { get; }Email3 category. Used by MS Exchange server.
static Home { get; }Home category
static Work { get; }Work category
Description { get; }Gets description for the ‘Custom’ category of a email address
Value { get; }Gets category of a email address


virtual Equals(EmailAddressCategory)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
override Equals(object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
override GetHashCode()GetHashCode returns a hash function for this object.
override ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
operator ==Determines whether the specified objects are equal.
operator !=Determines whether the specified objects are not equal.


const CustomValueString value for ‘Custom’ category
const Email1ValueString value for ‘Email1’ category
const Email2ValueString value for ‘Email2’ category
const Email3ValueString value for ‘Email3’ category
const EmailValueString value for ‘Email’ category
const HomeValueString value for ‘Home’ category
const WorkValueString value for ‘Work’ category

See Also