

Reads the next message from underlying storage stream.

public abstract MailMessage ReadNextMessage()

Return Value

A MailMessage object if it can be read or null if no more messages are available.

See Also

ReadNextMessage(out string)

Reads the next message from underlying storage stream.

public abstract MailMessage ReadNextMessage(out string fromMarker)
fromMarkerString&Gets the From Marker while parsing the MBox Storage file.

Return Value

A MailMessage object if it can be read or null if no more messages are available.

See Also


Reads the next message from underlying storage stream.

public abstract MailMessage ReadNextMessage(EmlLoadOptions options)
optionsEmlLoadOptionsSpecifies EmlLoadOptions when reading message from Mbox storage.

Return Value

A MailMessage object if it can be read or null if no more messages are available.

See Also

ReadNextMessage(out string, EmlLoadOptions)

Reads the next message from underlying storage stream.

public abstract MailMessage ReadNextMessage(out string fromMarker, EmlLoadOptions options)
fromMarkerString&Gets the From Marker while parsing the MBox Storage file.
optionsEmlLoadOptionsSpecifies EmlLoadOptions when reading message from Mbox storage.

Return Value

A MailMessage object if it can be read or null if no more messages are available.

See Also