the namespace contains classes for work with calendar recurrence patterns.


ByDayRepresents Nth occurrence (or all occurrences) of the specified day of the week.
ByDayCollectionRepresents a collection of ByDay objects.
ByNumberCollectionRepresents a set of months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds in a recurrence rule.
CalendarRecurrenceThe main class, represents an iCalendar recurrence.
DailyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of daily recurrence type.
DateCollectionRepresents a collection of datetime values.
MonthlyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of monthly recurrence type.
RecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern.
RecurrenceRuleRepresents one recurrence or exception rule in a recurrence pattern.
RecurrenceRuleCollectionRepresents a collection of RecurrenceRule objects.
WeeklyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of weekly recurrence type.
YearlyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of yearly recurrence type.


CalendarDayRepresents the day of the week.
CalendarMonthRepresents a calendar month.
DayPositionDay positions, typically found in a month.
EndTypeSpecifies how the recurrence rule ends.
FrequencySpecifies frequency of the recurrence rule.