
MapiCalendarClientIntent enumeration

Enumerates the actions the user can taken on the Meeting object


Member nameDescription
MANAGERThe user is the owner of the meeting object.
DELEGATEThe user is a delegate acting on a meeting object in a delegator’s calendar folder.
DELETED_WITH_NO_RESPONSEThe user deleted the meeting object with no response sent to the organizer.
DELETED_EXCEPTION_WITH_NO_RESPONSEThe user deleted an exception to a recurring series with no response sent to the organizer.
RESPONDED_TENTATIVEThe user tentatively accepted the meeting request.
RESPONDED_ACCEPTThe user accepted the meeting request.
RESPONDED_DECLINEThe user declined the meeting request.
MODIFIED_START_TIMEThe user modified the start time.
MODIFIED_END_TIMEThe user modified the end time.
MODIFIED_LOCATIONThe user changed the location of the meeting.
RESPONDED_EXCEPTION_DECLINEThe user declined an exception to a recurring series.
CANCELEDThe user canceled a meeting request.
EXCEPTION_CANCELEDThe user canceled an exception to a recurring series.

See Also